The Void Raiders / VOIDRAIDS

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Piracy
  • Security

Does the idea of being beholden to no one excite you? The Void Raiders take what we want, when we want to, and how we wish. Might makes right, and those that can prove their worth can make a name for themselves.

“Stare into the Void long enough… and we will come.”


In the early years of colonization, there were many among Humankind that desired for more: More money, more freedom, more of anything we desired. We fell in to our own kind, and loosely became known as Void Raiders.

The Void Raiders were founded by a lowly group of pirates, 7 in number, and now only one founding member remains: Privateer Sathier. What happened to those other 6? Only he knows.

We come from the Void, we take what we want, and we return to the Void. It is really that simple. We rule by one simple principle: Might makes right. If you cannot guard your things, and protect that which you call yours, you do not deserve those things.

Come seek us, for stare long enough into the Void… and surely we we come.


Personal freedom is the most important thing in the galaxy, and we will die to protect ours.


1. Might makes right.
2. Personal Freedom above all. We will liberate those who are oppressed.
3. Do not turn on your fellow Voiders. Such an action is punished with permanent “Marked” status.