Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!

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What Lies Beyond the Clouds / WHATCLOUDS

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Scouting
  • Social


Looking for talented racers!

  • Be a part of the finest racers in the Belt
  • Pass your knowledge on to our more novice racers
  • Earn extra credits for winning races (once payments can be sent)

Also looking for:

Marketing Manager

Mathematic consultants

Information Brokers





Here are the departments currently hiring and their requirements:

WHATCLOUDS Racing Team – To begin once a date has been announced for Grim Hex Racing coming some time this year. Trainers and Racers needed.

a) Please supply your current list of available ships.
b) Please supply your Old Vanderval Rank which can be found here
You will not be disqualified based on either of these prerequisites, just part of building a dosier on our racing crew for management purposes.

Department of Information – Hiring affiliate Information Brokers – We will need eyes and ears across the galaxy to provide useful or relevant information. First assignments will be handed out once a date has been announced for Grim Hex racing, but any relevant information gathered before then will be compensated.

a) You MUST belong to another organization to even be considered.

b) We cannot be your Main organization

c) Your affiliation will remain hidden while in our rosters

Marketing Manager / Graphic Designer – Responsible for our organizations landing page as well as flyers for upcoming events.

a) Submit a link to your portfolio

b) other skills and assets

Mathematicians – Need someone good with numbers, specifically probabilities and statistics.

a) please list any relevant academia

b) other skills and assets



If you have no orders, you are considered dormant. Go about your business and you will be contacted when you are needed.

If you have questions, ask.

If you have information, report it to Vyvyan.