Warethefukarewe / WHATSTHIS

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Resources

We are a close nit group of an “old man and his friends”. We are very dedicated to each others welfare and work diligently at having fun. We are searching for our place in the Universe from where we can rule over you in peace and quiet and making money in the process.


It also doesn’t help when you have lived for nearly a thousand years, there is only so much grey matter you know.
Hopefully any new recruits can research our history and then fill this in.
All I know is that I got sick and tired of politicians and those that bullshitted their way into power. I was not allowed to shoot the buggers so I just disappeared into the sunset only to find it full of similar thinking people and it became boring very quickly so off into the next sunset with the same results and ever since I have been disappearing into sunsets. It is now time to stop and I know there is a perfect star system just past the next jump point so here we go.
Contact the boss at Unknownyobo@yahoo.com.au if you need any more info


This is a community

We are generally, but not exclusively, retired people having escaped from the drudgery of working life. We have watched and joined in at times as society has destroyed the environment it lives in. We have heard Gaia’s plea and are now spending our heirs fortune exploring the universe instead of sitting around waiting to die so we can discover the wares we will need to accomplish our goals.


Bring order and harmony to the Galaxy by generating equality for all, have fun whilst doing it and die in a disgraceful manner.


1: Great sense of humour

2:Get along with others at least most of the time

3:Not incontinent

4:Good sense of direction

Our goal is to make everybody equal. We don’t want to lose any more great minds and let morons destroy universal life’s future.


Gaia’s message
I have just had an urgent message from one of my sister planets my supposedly intelligent life forms are ruining hers and others worlds
They are raping their ecosystems for nothing more than to satisfy their own greed and ego boosting.
Humanity has reached galaxy wide plague proportions can I do something about it before Mother Galaxy wipes us all out.
I need to guide them back to more realistic existence and keep themselves under control otherwise
I will need to do my usual culling trick of a few well placed super novae so can you knock some sense into them

My Charter for you is Thus

* I request that you look into and deliver me a system of control that guarantees the well being of not only Australia but Earth and my family of planets.

* I will send you people I know you can trust and are great thinkers and doers who will assist you in your task.

* Take care tho and remember they are only human and may also follow other shallow faiths.

* My sisters and brothers will give you all the help, you need just learn who to ask and the right questions.

Do unto other members as you would have them do unto you.
Help all other life forms achieve their greatest.