Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Clan Lynx Syndicate / XFMV

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Security

In Clan politics, success has more to do with important qualities such as speed, persistence, intelligence, morality, honor, and most importantly, the soul. Without these, we are but trapped beings.
Without this connection, there can be no true understanding. – The Founder, July 5, 2138 (Earth Time)


Born from the original expansion of humanity’s colonization, the would-be Founder of Clan Lynx (her true name is lost to time) decided to start small as an escort captain and eventually worked her way towards what she envisioned as a nation of industry, wealth and power. However, she learned many things in her time with the Earth Empire and eventually ruled that such power must be carefully controlled in a manner that does not corrupt, only gaining the person it is bestowed on with a certain degree of respect, leadership and above all, honor-bound to serve for the people, instead of just him or herself.

Many, however, did not agree to her ideals and while the UEE continued to expand their influence, she was disgusted by the corruption that was often present and despaired when she considered how the powerful and wealthy operated. Such was her revulsion to this avarice that she imposed self exile in 2142 with hundreds of thousands of followers, only for her and her people to disappear from history and charted space for centuries.

Now, in 2944, elements of her Clan descendants have finally returned to UEE space in search of contracts, and maintain the principals of the nation they have bravely left for their own success: Honor, Strength and Unity. Most of these people are travelers, but because their true home is a secret never spoken of out loud and they are often from uncharted space outside of UEE control and beyond, it is hard for them to set up legitimate business as they are largely unknowns viewed with suspicion, at best. Therefore, the syndicate was formed as a means for which the descendants could gather and find a place in the Empire.

The Syndicate remains to this day a group of individuals who protect the navy and merchants alike, without distinguishing between the two, especially considering the Vanduul threat in recent years. Though largely independent and questionable in motivation, It is this loyalty to the people that the UEE allows them to continue to exist, for the time being. Because of this, we continue to operate freely.


Our people are a friendly, easy-going bunch, but we do not take dishonorable conduct lightly. There are three principles Clan members follow.

Honor – We serve the people, protect that which is valuable, and respect our opponents as much as our allies.

Strength – Through our will and our ships, we plow our way through the cold Void without fear.

Unity – Devotion to each other and our work is valuable, for division can topple civilizations. Let us not fall victim to petty squabbles and arguments and focus on personal truth and brotherhood.

For the glory of our Clan, we live on even after death knowing we have served the people faithfully.


1.) Respect other players, even if they do not show the same courtesy. We all make mistakes.

2.) Do try to keep foul language to a minimum when possible, though we understand it sometimes happens, especially if your beautiful ship explodes from under you. We do not, however, tolerate sexism, discrimination or racism. We are here to play a game, nothing more. If you cannot abide with this, you will not be welcome here.

3.) Salvaging and Recovering is optional, profitable and encouraged. If you see a derelict, don’t blast it! Waste of resources is not only…well, wasteful, but is rather dumb if you think about it. If it is immobile, however, then see if there’s anything you can strip from it first, before nuking it with blissful impunity.

4.) Solve any issues with each other with reasoning! Listen to each of your complaints and grievances, then try to make a solution that works for those involved. If the problem cannot be talked out of, you may initiate a Trial of Combat, but ONLY AS A LAST RESORT. Team-killing is not something we appreciate, unless it is purely an accident, or if a duel is approved by both party members.

5.) Offer Services! Specifically, you can offer to escort, trade, blockade, or even pull valet duty.
We are above all freelancers and business is profitable.

6.)If you want to join, but don’t really want to get into a dogfight or contract right away, no problem! It’s fine if you just want to lay back, drift around the ‘verse for a bit, maybe eat some popcorn, and chat aimlessly as long as you like. After all, participation is casual for a reason.

7.) Have questions on specific rules or not sure about something? Ask me about it, we’ll figure it out and determine how it fits into the scheme of things. This can include ship controls, patch updates, bugs, etc. You can also ask other players, they’re sure to know at least something about your issue.

8.) Considering joining another organization or already in one? That’s fine, too! Having more connections often improves business, and we can even join forces with another organization for an op! Minimum age to join the Clan is 18 years of age (for obvious reasons).

9.) Don’t feel like you fit with us somehow and wish to leave? No problem! Though we will miss you, we wish you well and good luck. There will always be a spot open for you if you wish to join us again.

10.) Griefing is forbidden here, so if you’re someone who loves to cause havoc without reason or due cause, you have found the wrong place. We also do not usually engage first as a general rule, so try not to use lethal force unless your life depends on it and you can’t otherwise flee.

11.) While we are freelancers, we do not engage in piracy, though this is subject to case-by-case status. Attacking helpless merchants for profit is not something we wish to promote here. The only exceptions to this rule are abandoned or derelict craft, actual pirates and other hostiles. Repeat offenders to this provision will be dealt with and may be marked for bounty.

12.) Above all, have fun! (This is not a rule, obviously, but should be self explanatory.)