The Exarchs / XRCS

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Resources



The Exarchs gaming community was formed by a small group of friends who met in real life and online. After spending a great deal of time belonging to various other gaming communities, we decided to come together to create our own organization that is based on the gaming and social principles that we consider to be important.

First and foremost, we want to provide an excellent social setting for our members. It is our contention that in order to really enjoy online games to their fullest players need an environment in which they can interact with each other, play some games, and (most of all) have fun. The Exarchs was created to provide such an environment. Our goal is to create a gaming atmosphere that is mature, and yet fun. We are serious about gaming, and yet relaxed when needed. Finally, we are committed to winning, and yet not above goofing around as well. It is important to note, however, that maintaining such a community does require some restrictions, which you can read about on our recruitment page. We aren’t militant in our demands, but we do require all members and guests to respect each other and to behave with a certain amount of decorum.

Having said all that, we aren’t just a social club. We are a gaming community, and we do focus on playing games. The social structure is meant to provide a framework within which different types of players, and players of various skills levels, can find a place to belong. Do you like MMORPGs? There is a place for you in The Exarchs. Do you prefer MOBAs or RTS games? The Exarchs could be a good fit for you. Do you prefer hardcore PvP, or more PvE? Either way, we want to make you feel at home here. Our members play a wide variety of games at a variety of levels. Some are hardcore PvPers, and others just prefer a more casual feel. If you feel that our community is where you belong, we will strive to ensure that you enjoy your time with us.


Under Construction…


We don’t have an excessive list of rules within our community, but we do expect all members to employ a certain amount of social etiquette while on our voice server and playing games with us. As such there are some important, yet simple, guidelines that you must understand before applying to join our community, because any member can be asked to leave at any time if he or she does not abide by them. We aren’t trying to be militant, but this is our home and therefore we make the rules. Bear in mind that if you do not agree with the social protocol outlined below then The Exarchs may not be the place for you, and there isn’t anything wrong with that. It simply means that another gaming community may be a better fit. If you apply to The Exarchs, however, we assume that you have read and understand these rules, and that you agree with them. The general guidelines are as follows:

  • We are a North American based community, and as such most of our members are American or Canadian. This does not restrict players from other parts of the world from applying, and we do have members that live in Europe and Australia. However, please bear in mind that since communication is paramount to a strong community, fluency in English is required. If we can’t understand you, we can’t communicate with you. Communicate effectively!
  • Nothing irritates us more than players who feel the need to tell the entire world about how great they are, either in-game or outside. While we all like to share about our victories from time to time, non-stop bragging about your conquests rapidly gets old. This goes for your gaming conquests as well as your real life conquests (we don’t want to hear about the fifteen hot girls or guys that, you claim, gave you their phone number last week). The difference between swapping stories with friends and the non-stop thumping one’s own chest is pretty obvious, and we will not tolerate the latter. You may be the greatest player alive, but we want to hear about it from other community members, not from you. Shut up and play the game!
  • We will not stand for excessively crass or vulgar language on our voice server, on our forums, or in-game (remember, you represent our community whenever you play a game wearing our tag). If you can’t express yourself without using an expletive every other word then The Exarchs is not the place for you. We understand that players often swear when playing games out of frustration, but that is different than using crass language as part of your normal speech. Additionally, it should go without saying that we will not tolerate any abusive language directed at another community member. Please remember that we are trying to maintain a comfortable gaming environment for all of our members. Keep it clean!
  • This is a gaming community, not the military, and therefore we don’t expect unrealistic time commitments from our members. We all have lives outside of gaming, and we understand that those take precedent. Having said that, we do expect that members will be active in the community by spending time on our voice server and playing games with us. If we hold special events, members are not required to attend, but we would like it if you could let us know in advance if you can’t make it. Members that are inactive for extended periods of time will be moved to an inactive community roster, and removed from all in-game rosters. Try to be active!