Zolsarian Enterprise / ZOL

  • Syndicate
  • Hardcore
  • Exclusive
  • Freelancing
  • Resources

Our Recruitment is currently: OPEN

The underground requires loyalty above all else, hop in on a couple missions and test the waters.

Check out Manifesto for more details.


Zolsarian Enterprise was initially founded as a legitimate business focused on mining and cargo hauling, and as time has passed our growth into the underground world has continuously expanded.


What is Zolsarian Enterprise?

We are an organization focused on the creation of a strong like-minded 18+ community. Our firm belief is that Star Citizen is a MMO and should be enjoyed as such.

Zolsarian Enterprise conducts both legal and illegal operations, making money requires dipping into multiple sectors fluidly and discretely.

Primary Org Sectors

Company Fleet – The fleet is separated into specialized divisions. Fleet operations vary depending upon the task presented to the org, and we train multiple scenarios often.

Industry – Many members are dedicated to lawful industrial positions including Mining and Cargo. These teams will also be essential in supporting the fleet operations.

Espionage – Gathering information that can be used to assist the org or hinder opposition.

Like what you see?

Check out our discord


Company Policies

1. Avoid talking about religion, sexual orientation, race, and politics. Frankly people get way to heated and it’s simply best to have private conversations on your own time. Be respectful of those around you, they will probably have a different mindset.

2. Intoxication and knowing your limits. Gaming is meant to be a relaxing and enjoyable experience and as such it’s fine to indulge yourself, just know your personal limits and do not be a hinderance to those around you because of selfish actions.

3. The org discord has no meme or NSFW section, if that’s something you wish to share do it through DM’s. It’s a slippery slope and almost always ends up negatively.

4. Relax and have a good time.

Member requirements

Zolsarian Enterprises has no place for affiliates, so if that’s your plan please find another group.

All members will be required to REDACT their information on the website. We will be conducting illegal operations and do not want blowback to spill over to our legal teams. (this is a newer policy and it is being implemented as we speak)