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Zero Enterprises / ZRE

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Trading
  • Freelancing

Zero Mistakes, Zero Faults, Zero Delays, Zero Enterprises

Our Mission: To become the most efficient jack-of-all trades

It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and reality of tomorrow. -Robert Goddard


“Scientists study the world that is, engineers create the world that has never been” -Theodore Von Karman

First founded in the year 2682 during the first Vanduul raids on the UEE. As a package carrier for shipping lines to the various inner and rim worlds of the United Empire of Earth. Zero Enterprises was grounded in the processes of the protection and transport, of manufactured and exotic goods. After the raid on Armitage in the Orion System, Zero Enterprises was founded on three basic principles.

1. Zero Mistakes- We realized that the services and protection we offer is a matter of life and death for certain clients and with that we try our best to be flawless.

2. Zero Faults- We have polished our methods of transport and protection with state of the art technology.

3. Zero Delays- Clients want their cargo quick and safe, so we are number one is consumer satisfaction due to this policy.

With our highly motivated teams and massive fleet you can rest assured your cargo is in good hands as we offer competitively low pricing and offer the best protection for your valuables.

Thanks For Choosing Zero Enterprises, CEO, DoctorOnCall /END TRANSMISSION\


“All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; The point is to discover them.” -Galileo Galilei

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

At Zero Enterprises we strive to be all that we can accomplish. From shipping to security services and even covert operations, you can rest assured we are doing it for YOU the consumer. We have no ulterior motives other than becoming a consumer based enterprise that can easily adapt to the job market demand. Where in we also provide our employees with a multitude of career opportunities. These other branches of our enterprise environment will be managed by like minded individuals in a given career path. Here at Zero Enterprises we make sure everyone does not feel out of place but rather apart of a community they can be proud of! Join us to explore new worlds and make discoveries in this frontier.
Thanks for choosing Zero Enterprises,


“Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that’s real power.” -Clint Eastwood

All Zero Enterprise Front Line Employees MUST ADHERE TO THESE STRICT GUIDELINES
-ALWAYS be respectful to your fellow employees!
-Respect your superiors!
-Have Fun!
-Do Your Job!
-Make Money!
-Don’t be an Asshole…

Ranks (And their duties)

Board Director: Oversees general scope and operations of the entire company. Provides guidance to the CEO and will oversee regional operations.

Regional Director: Will oversee a departmental unit in a specific region of space. Will provide oversight and design of day to day operations. Will report directly to Board of Directors, VP, and CEO.

Managing Director: Will oversee a segment of a department in a region under a Regional Director’s supervision and will help maintain service quality assurance and provide on the fly enterprise level leadership.

Fleet Manager: Will oversee department front line team leaders and assist Managing Director with day to day operations.

Cargo Manager: Will directly coordinate with front line supervisors to complete tasks as assigned.

Supervisor: Provides on the fly leadership for a team of front line employees in a given career/expertise field (Command, Engineering, Medical, Security, Operations, Sciences). Will relay any operational delays or hazards directly to Cargo Manager or Fleet Manager for advisement.

Front Line Employee: Assists Supervisors in providing the general services of the company. May serve in many different functions (Command, Engineering, Medical, Security, Operations, Sciences). Front Line Employees can be authorized to serve as Team Leaders during field operations. The most senior employee may also step in for the Supervisor in the event he/she is incapacitated or otherwise unavailable to lead the team in an emergency situation.

Note: Ranks are a matter of job placement and slots will be opened up as needed and are based on your actions for the Org

Career Paths with Us!

*Trading and Logistics Department

*Materials Department

*Research & Medical Department

*Freelance Department

*Exploration Department

*Security Services Department

Note: If you want to apply for any of the higher level positions please request an interview with a Regional Director or the CEO
Note 2.0: Affiliate members can only achieve the rank of Fleet Manager and will be promoted no higher until they are a primary org member