Dr. Daniel Penselin (2445 - 2496) was a physicist whose work improved the fuel economy of Humanquantum drives. In 2491, Penselin published a paper outlining a working hypothesis for the creation of more efficient quantum drives that would allow for an approximate 20 percent reduction in fuel use. Penselin’s research funding ran dry soon after this due to budget cutbacks in the astroengineering department of Astravin University. When he could not secure financial backing elsewhere, Penselin modified the drive of his own spacecraft, the Lilienthal, and launched it for a test run in 2496. The ship crashed into the moon of Cestulus (Davien II) after a catastrophic system failure. Based on the ship’s logs and an analysis of its flight path, however, it was proven that the Lilienthal did indeed consume far less fuel during quantum travel. After modifications were made to his research to combat the safety issue, Penselin’s work was made standard in all quantum drives, and the moon upon which he died was named in his honor.