Nē" se Ruoth (III.796 - III.1125 | SEY 2475 - 2898) was an amateur explorer and historian best known for her MXY III.847 (SEY 2542) discovery of the Gurzil-R.il'a jump point. The youngest daughter of one of House Ruoth's Matriarchs, she was expected to follow in the footsteps of her family and become a political historian. However, she found she preferred exploration and spacecraft piloting. During her time in the Pō't.ōngp.ū, she served as a scout for the Xi'an military, and would explore the outskirts of whatever system in which she was posted during her breaks. This hobby led her to discover a previously-unknown jump point from the R.il'a system to the United Planets of Earth (UPE)-controlled Gurzil system, then named Odara. Her appearance in Odara caused an increase in tensions between the Xi'an Empire and the UPE, so while she was commended for her discovery, she was reprimanded for her carelessness in entering the jump point and stripped of her duty as a pilot. She served the remainder of her time in the Pō’t.ōngp.ū as a file clerk. After returning to her House, she took up the family business but obtained her own ship and continued flying whenever she could. She won the Koa e Ko'ia in III.1112 (SEY 2881).

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