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- Everline Structures Incorporated
- Everus Harbor
- F7A Hornet
- F7C Hornet
- F7C Hornet Wildfire
- F7C-M Super Hornet
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker
- F7C-R Hornet Tracker
- F7C-S Hornet Ghost
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- F8C Lightning
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- Fall of Virgil
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- Fujin Technical College
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- Gallo and Frost
- Galor Messer IX
- Gammon Messer
- Garrity Arms
- Garrity Defense
- Gavin E Hurston
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- Goss System
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- Green Imperial Housing Exchange (Grim HEX)
- Greycat Industrial
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- Hardpoint Guys
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- Human Overpopulation Era
- Human-Xi'an Trade Initiative (HuXa)
- Humans
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- Hurston (Stanton I)
- Hurston Dynamics
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- Idris-M
- Illyana Messer VI
- Illyana Sharrad
- Imperator's Day
- Imperial Arts Foundation
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- INS Flavus
- INS Hephaestus
- INS Jericho
- Integrity and Honor
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- Intergalactic Research Concepts
- Invictus Launch Week
- Inácio Santos Melo
- Ita (Stanton 1d)
- Ita Hurston
- Ivar Messer I
- J Harris Arnold
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- Janis Rezaian
- Janna Thurville
- Janus
- Jata
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- Jax McCleary
- Jele City
- Joker Engineering
- Joona Tzur
- Joule Consortium
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- Kampos (Ellis IV)
- Kastak Arms
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- Kellar Lench
- Kellar's Run
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- Klaus & Werner
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- Laylani Addison
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- Leir III
- Leonard Casse
- Levski
- LH307 Genesis
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- Lightning Bolt Company
- Linton Messer XI
- Liston Garrity
- Livia Messer III
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- Locke (Idris IV)
- Lorona (Banshee III)
- Lorville
- Lost Squad (Show)
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- Lyria (Stanton 3a)
- M2 Hercules
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- MacArthur Naval Base
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- Magda Hurston
- Magnus Tobin
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- Marie Sante
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- Massacre of Garron II
- Mauricio Tusk
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- Messer Era War Crimes Trials
- Micah Zahir
- microTech (Company)
- microTech (Stanton IV)
- Military Reorganization Act of 2793
- Militia Mobilization Initiative
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- mobiGlas
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- MPUV-1P (Argo Personnel)
- Municipal Transit Line (Mu-Sit)
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- Mustang Alpha Vindicator
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- Nav-E7 Gadgets
- Neal Socolovich
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- NemoCo
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- Nexus System
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- Noble Ammunition
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- Razor EX
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- Reliant Sen
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- United Empire of Earth
- United Empire of Earth Citizen
- United Empire of Earth Civilian
- United Empire of Earth Governor
- United Empire of Earth Governors Council
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- United Empire of Earth Representative
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Latest articles
- Neal Socolovich (2373 - 2474) was a General in the United Nations of Earth (UNE) Army, and a key figure in the negotiation of the Banu-Human Interstellar Peace and Trade Accord, the first interspecies...
- The United Nations of Earth (UNE) was the first Human unified government, founded in 2380, shortly after the first planet outside the Sol system was successfully terraformed. The world leaders of the ...
- Humans and Banu first made contact in 2438, when navjumper Vernon Tar encountered a Banu fugitive in the outskirts of the Davien system. After mistakenly opening fire on the Banu vessel, Tar relayed h...