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Luminalia Arena Commander Challenge Rules

Luminalia Arena Commander Challenge Contest

These rules (“Rules”) apply to the Luminalia Arena Commander Challenge Contest (“Contest”) carried out by Roberts Space Industries LLC and/or Roberts Space Industries International Limited (individually and collectively “RSI”) and their affiliates. *Please read these Rules carefully. By submitting a Contest Entry, you accept and agree to these Rules. If you do not agree to these Rules, any Contest Entry submitted by you will be invalid and you will not be eligible to participate in the Contest or win a prize.

  1. Eligibility – To participate in the Contest you must be at least eighteen (18) years of age and reside in a jurisdiction where the Contest and your participation is legally permitted. You must have an account at RSI and have agreed to the RSI Terms of Service (see: – the “RSI Terms”). Employees of RSI and of their respective subsidiaries, affiliates, shareholders, officers, directors, agents, representatives, partner of the Contest (if any) and each of their immediate family members and individuals living in the same households of each of these individuals, whether related or not, of the above are not eligible to enter or win.
  1. Duration – Unless otherwise specified, Contest entries must be submitted beginning Tuesday, December 12, 2023 and ending Thursday, December 21, 2023 at 11:59 PM (Pacific) (the “Duration”) as indicated by these Contest Rules, the Contest announcement website at [INSERT LINK] and as adjusted or amended in any follow-up announcements related thereto, including (the “Announcement”). An entry will not be valid if not submitted within the Duration.
  1. Participation and Entry – Participation for this event will be determined by individuals who enter into an Arena Commander lobby and play a full game with the designated Cloud Imperium Games employee at the specified time and in the specified game mode listed on the announcement post at (INSERT LINK HERE), satisfying all of the requirements of these Rules and the RSI Terms, including those described in Paragraph 4 below. Should outside forces disrupt or remove a Participant from the game mid-participation, then the Participant is no longer eligible to win. A Participant may participate in multiple instances of this event.
  1. General Entry Requirements – A winning Participant must 1) Have participated in an entire Arena Commander match against a designated Cloud Imperium Games employee; 2) be the top scorer in a lobby attended by said designated Cloud Imperium Games employee; 3) not have won in this contest of skill previously in the duration of this event; 4) not utilize any third party services or software altering or modifying Star Citizen during the duration of their match with the designated Cloud Imperium Games employee.
  1. No Lottery – No purchase, payment or other obligation is necessary to enter or win.
  1. Conditions of Participation – By entering any Contest, you agree to be bound by these Rules, including all eligibility requirements, and to abide by RSI’s decisions relating to the Contest which are final and binding. If a winner accepts a prize, the winner consents to the use of his or her name, image, likeness, photograph, voice, and biographical material for advertising, publicity, and promotional purposes by RSI, in perpetuity and in any and all media now or hereafter devised without any further compensation, notification, or permission, to the extent admissible by applicable law. For their consideration as Contest Entries, you agree that your postings of your submissions, including all their materials and content, are UGC as defined in the RSI Terms.
  1. Determination of Winner – Within seven (7) days after the end of the Contest RSI staff (the “Judges”) will select the three top performers in each match played during the Contest, each considered the “Winner”, and the Winners will be the respective Participants submitting said Entries. A Participant may have at most one winning Entry during the entire Contest as a whole. Pledging on the RSI website does not affect or increase the chances of winning. To be eligible to receive a prize, Winners must confirm and verify their RSI account handle to the Judges if such is not already clearly associated with their Contest Entry.
  1. Prizes – Eligible Participants who submit the winning Contest Entries as determined by the Judges will be awarded prizes on their RSI Account as indicated within this Section. Limit one prize per Winner, even if the winning Participant participated in more than one winning Contest Entry or with more than one account or on multiple submission platforms.
    The prize is as follows:
    • Origin X1 Force standalone vehicle with in-game Lifetime Insurance
  1. Notification – Winners will be notified and their Accounts identified via the RSI Site after the Contest has ended and the Winners selected, on or before December 22, 2023.
  1. Claims and Forfeiture – To receive their respective prize(s), Winners will be required to sign an affidavit or otherwise provide affirmative consent regarding their eligibility, liability release (including for travel risks if the prize includes traveling), a publicity release approving the use of their name and likeness for publicity and marketing purposes, payment of applicable federal, and state tax releases, which release needs to be returned via email to RSI within 48 hours of notification, or else forfeit their Prize. A Winner must respond to any such notices sent and provide the information needed to be owed any such Prize; failure to so respond will result in forfeiture of the Prize and, at RSI’s discretion, disqualification of the Winner and allocating any limited quantity Prize, if applicable, to an alternate Winner. For fulfillment of any physical prize, a Winner must provide a mailing address for shipping within a jurisdiction where the Contest and his or her participation are legally valid. RSI will cover the cost of shipping or delivery required for prizes that are not Virtual Goods, but a Winner must cover any customs or import duties and clearance fees for delivery. Failure by a Winner to cover said duties or fees will result in forfeiture.
  1. Disqualification – Any breach of the RSI Terms or these Rules by you will disqualify you from participation in any Contest or receiving prizes. RSI may, at its option, disqualify you from participation if you have previously won a prize or been disqualified from any contest, sweepstakes, competition, or other promotional offering held by RSI. Any Participant who submits a Contest Entry that they themselves did not create may be disqualified from the Contest. Submissions that contain material or content in violation of the RSI Terms, that fail to adhere to the requirements within these Rules, or is fraudulent in any way may also be disqualified. The disqualification of one Contest Entry by a Participant may result in the disqualification of any or all other Contest Entries submitted by that Participant. RSI staff and administrators, at their discretion, may remove, or order removed any and all Entries submitted by a disqualified Participant, as well as any Entry deemed ineligible by failure to abide by the requirements of these Rules.
  1. Alternate Winners – In the event of the disqualification of a Winner or his or her associated Contest Entry(s), RSI may, at its option, select an alternate Winner from the remaining eligible Entries submitted to the Contest during its Duration.
  1. Valuation – Unless otherwise stated in the Contest announcements or communications, prizes are Virtual Goods as indicated in the RSI Terms of, Section V., Virtual Goods. Prizes are non-negotiable, non-transferable, and do not add, contribute, or otherwise represent any monetary value to your account. If a Winner chooses to accept only portions of a prize, no compensation shall be awarded for the portion(s) not accepted and no substitutions, cash equivalents, or transfers are permitted except at the sole discretion of RSI. In jurisdictions where the law requires the disclosure of the retail value of a prize, the retail value of the non-transferable Virtual Goods as a prize is zero unless otherwise indicated.
  1. Governing Law – The Contest is subject to all applicable federal, state, and local laws and void where prohibited.
  1. No Right to Sue – To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, by participating in any Contest you agree that you will not commence any legal action or lawsuit or assert any claim seeking relief against RSI or its affiliates arising from, relating to, or connected in any way with the Contests, including but not limited to, the awarding, redemption, delivery, or fulfillment of any prizes, the determination of Winners or eligibility, or disqualification.
  1. Limited License – Other than for the sole and limited purpose of participating in the Contest during the Contest Duration, these Rules grant no license, permission, or rights to use RSI Content, game content, or any RSI intellectual property for any other purpose whatsoever.
  1. Miscellaneous – Except as set forth herein otherwise, all terms of the RSI Terms apply, including (without limitation) XXI. Indemnification, XXII. Disputes & Binding Arbitration and XXIV. Miscellaneous Terms.