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Roberts Space Industries ®

Trismegistus Corporation / 3XGREAT

  • Organization
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Trading
  • Freelancing

Welcome to Trismegistus, creating a better tomorrow satisfying the needs of today! Join Us Now and become a part of the adventure!


TRISMEGISTUS Corporation is one of the oldest and most trustworthy Corporation in the Empire. We pride ourselves in our traditional uproots, since before man could travel the solar system, to this day, always seeking to serve the greater good, for humanities chance at expanding exploring and trading.
EXPLORATION we stand at the forefront of exploration by combining our centuries of expertise in logistics, R&D and our teams of Professionals, with years of experience, we GUARANTEE SAFE PASSAGE to any destination in and around the known systems. Speak to us today and we will exceed your needs!
TRADING was the founding pilar of Trismegistus before we expanded and diversified,. So it is with great pride that we maintain and provide the Best and most suited transportation for your every need. Not forgetting that TRADING in the system can be a dangerous job for some. But our relay SECURITY teams are posted and always in contact with you throughout the system. NOT SAFE ENOUGH!! We will escort your ship to destination or DIE TRYING! *
EXPANSION, Trismegistus is proud to announce the purchase of a brand new PIONEER made by long time friend of the TRISMEGISTUS Family, CONSOLIDATED OUTLANDS! This will allow us to build your settlement needs at a fraction of the cost for any and all STAR CITIZENS

*security forces are provided by ARELICH SECURITY ENTERPRISES a subsidiary of the Trismegistus Corporation


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