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Roberts Space Industries ®


  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Freelancing

Your money is our business.


Ever since the great driving force of the universe was invented, Inc. has been there to acquire it. I am, of course talking about money. Inc. has been faithfully procuring the power of the universe for fifty years now, and while our company has fallen upon rough times it does not mean that we are weak. Even now, throughout the galaxy our associates are achieving their goals through Inc.


Money is what makes the world go round, or galaxy these days, and it is Inc.‘s sole objective to secure as much of it as possible, through any means necessary. In Inc. we understand that morals and mortals are ephemeral while money is eternal, as such we as a corporation are always open to business; we can be bought, and bribed and we will do it with a smile on our faces. We are mainly interested in the trading of goods, services and people, but we are open to any sort of business where we can make a profit. The universe is a dangerous place, and Inc. will be there to protect you and your investments, for a small price of course, you can be protected by our very own force of former Russian military professionals.

I hope that everyone looks at our happy corporation and sees that we are just people trying to get by in the world.


Rule number 1: Make money

Rule number 2: Report all resources you come into possession of.

Rule number 3: Obey your superiors, complaints can be filed to the Board.

Rule number 4: Breaking the law is not advised, but if it makes a profit it is acceptable.

Rule number 5: Inform the company when you have been bribed.

Rule number 6: Double deal and deal often.

Rule number 7: What is good for the company is good for the employee.