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Roberts Space Industries ®


  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Exploration
  • Security

Sixty Swords of Solomon is an org that seeks peace and pursues it. We will defend the good, those in need, the helpless, or the right cause with lethal force. SSoS is dedicated to exploring the Univers and providing security for other orgs aligned with these ideals.


Sixty Swords of Solomon began its adventure with three Jews scattered from their homeland on Earth. The three founders, Malcha Kadisha, Yisroel Shalom and Simcha Ksav were longing for their home and nearing despair when they met on Port Olisar. They determined that grieving for home was not as important as supporting those in need in the Stanton System and abroad throughout the Universe. With so much lawlessness and crime breeding in the distant systems, SSoS has determined to fight this plague wherever it be found. SSoS leans on the promise of their ancestors,

‘Even if you be scattered to the farthest reaches of the heavens, from there I will gather you, from there I will fetch you.’

If you are a Sword, forged in the fires of good, tempered in the oils of what’s right; no matter your history, ethnicity or cultural background, add your sword to ours; Your blade sheathed in the truth that hungers only for the blood of the illicit and evil in the Universe. We covet to add your sword to the Sixty.

‘Below an in-game photo of A Sword with his Sword strapped to his back and a Blade on his thigh.’


‘Behold, around the bed of Peace, are sixty might men of the valiant of the Universe. All are armed with swords, trained in war, each with his sword upon his thigh, because of evil in the night.’



  1. A Sword of the Sixty is a man of honor and discipline. He does what is right and refuses the easy path to riches. He strives to be famous not infamous.
  2. A Sword of the Sixty plays his game to have fun, make friends and practice doing right in a virtual space.
  3. A Sword of the Sixty plays his game casually, but we may invite all Sixty Swords for a full 12 wing strike with the support of the Blades.
    A Sword is encouraged to take on a role-playing persona, but this is not required. His own personality is his best persona.
  4. We ask A Sword to acquire for sake of our unique identity:
    • ( Crusader Industries Aeon or Inferno as they become Flyable. For now: ) An Anvil Arrow : This is the Sword of the Sword. It is affordable, the fastest and deadliest out-of-the-box light fighter. (See below for other gameplay arcs that will involve a variety of ship types and missions.) Once Sixty Swords are in place, a discussion of a ship other than the Aeon, Inferno or Arrow may take place.
    • An Aegis Gladius: For the same reasons above yet a little pricier. 10 M/s faster. Loadout changes from S2 to S3.
    • A ship of choice that brings delight to the player of any size or use.
    • A Sword can arm himself in any other way he or she desires. Officially, a Gallant or Demco worn in the place of his secondary weapon.
    • ADP UEE arm armor to show our allegiance to the UEE. At first, any color the player prefers is acceptable, but as we grow and become a more organized force, each Wing will select a specific color of arm armor to distinguish it and bring it honor. There are over 12 colors of UEE armor. Theoretically, we could have a different color for each wing. This could substitute traditional military identifiers. The Sword is permitted to select any other armor of his choice, except those pieces that would bring the group ridicule or dishonor. For example, the goat-head helmet, etc.


  1. Sixty Swords
  2. 12 Wings
  3. 3 Squadrons
  • 12 Interdictors – one per wing.
  • 3 – 12 Heavy Fighters – at least one per squadron.
  • 1 – 3 Reclaimers. To reclaim the spoils of the wicked.
  • 1 – 3 APCs
  • 1 – 890 Jump Capital Ship for meeting planning and resting. The Fleet Admiral is already in possession of an 890J. (If a Sword joins with a Capital ship, and wants to include it in the Org, it’s role will be designated by Top Brass. Its function and use is completely left to the owner. However, this member will not be one of the Sixty Swords but serve as a Blade Officer at the ‘Tip of the Spear.’ )
After the positions of all Sixty Swords are full, we will fill Support Group assignments known as Blades. These will include
  • Interdictors
  • APC Captains
  • Corvet Captains
  • Salvage Captains
  • Mining Captains
  • An Anvil Crucible Captain
  • 1 – 3 Anvil Nautilus with escorts
  • Genesis Starliner Captains (to transport members and as an income producer.)
  • Other Mission Types as required

SSOS current inventory:

  • 1 890J Capital Ship
  • 2 RSI 85X (onboard 890J)
  • 1 Anvil Nautilus Solstice: mine Layer
  • 1 Anvil Valkyrie Liberator: APC
  • 1 Ursa Rover Fortuna (onboard Anvil Valkyrie)
  • 1 Aegis Saber Raven: Interdictor
  • 1 Aegis Vanguard Warden: Heavy Fighter
  • 1 RSI Constellation Aquilla: Exploration
  • 1 Ursa Rover (onboard Constellation Aquilla)
  • 1 Aegis Reclaimer: Heavy Salvage
  • 1 RSI Orion: Heavy Miner
  • 1 MISC Prospector: Light Miner
  • 1 MISC Starfarer: Fuel and Gases Harvester
  • 1 Crusader Mercury Star Runner
  • 1 Crusader Genisis Starliner: Troop transport. Peripheral fundraising functions.
  • 1 Anvil Crucible: Fighter repair.
  • 1 Kruger P-72 Archimedes
  • 1 Tumbril Cyclone
  • 1 Anvil Ballista Snowblind: can fit in 890J for transport.
  • 1 4×4 KM Land Claim for SSoS Base of operations.

It is not required for a Sword or Blade to own any required gear to join but must strive to acquire them as they are able.