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Roberts Space Industries ®

Masrani / MASRANI

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Transport
  • Freelancing

“The greatest thing we must learn in life is that nothing is impossible. We fear the unknown on a daily basis, but it is that unknown which drives us. Our species, whatever entities we may be, have been given the gift of asking why? We cannot forget that.”

- Simon Masrani


With over two decades of the helm of the Masrani Global Corporation and following in his fathers footsteps, simon masrani has made his livelong goal to create a truely global corporation. Leading a company into ground breaking terrain, Mister Masrani has expanded mascorps portfolio in both commercial and industrial sectors by offering services such as telecommunications, oil production, biological engineering and construction across every major region of the world. His underline philosophy is to push boundrys, so that we can create a stronger global community through shared experiences, shared ressources and shared solutions. Mister Masrani has always relied on the human need to push our own potential. In his words “The greatest thing we must learn in life is that nothing is impossible. We fear the unknown on a daily basis, but it is that unknown which drives us. Our species, whatever entities we may be, have been given the gift of asking why? We cannot forget that.”. beyond career development he is a noted philanthropist and is always tribe to engange with the global community that has been touched by his work. At the intersection of innovation ans vision is where legacys become legendary. This is where Simon Masrani thrives. And that is the soul of the Masrani Global Corporation.


Our underlined philosophy is to push boundrys, so that we can create a stronger global community through shared experiences, shared ressources and shared solutions. We have always relied on the human need to push our own potential. Unfortunantely simon masrani died at the 14. June 2018 now we continue his work and always keep his believings and his words in mind.


The Masrani Global Corporation is no offensive Corporation. We always try to be polite and only open fire in defensive situations. We make profit wihout harming anyone. Thats what we stand for.