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  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Freelancing

The universe. For everyone. is an organization set up by freelancers for freelancers; whether you’re a miner, trader or bounty hunter, here you’ll find fertile ground
(and ships!) to achieve your goals.


History was founded in 2321 as a central hub for all freelancers, with the aim of helping each other and sharing results.

Sharing profits might seem to be a deterrent to forming organisations like this, but in the medium/long term the benefits are obvious:
  • - starting with the possibility to collect minerals in a faster way;
  • - from the opportunity to have support and advice on merchanting routes, or a support personnel on your ship while you are down on the surface;
  • - and an armed escort to protect your activities. is made up of two main divisions:
  • is the total sum of all the productive activities of our members;
  • This branch encompasses all activities focused on supporting and protecting core activities. A watchful eye upon the core activities to protect them from external threats.

Join us to better achieve your goals and share ours: The universe. For everyone..

Manifesto is an organization made by freelancers for freelancers; whether you are a miner, trader or bounty hunter, you will find fertile ground here to achieve your goals.

Our goals

Having fun together;
Reach our goals (and revenue) more easily. Depending on the activity and the agreements, the profit will be shared among the participants of the activity;
— In the future, expanding our areas of interest to include research and science.

Quick FAQ:

— _How do I join the org?
  • Nothing simpler, just click on ‘Join us now!’ at the top of the page (you have to be logged to see it).
— Do you tolerate crimes?
  • We well understand the rules of supply and demand often bound and gagged by short-sighted laws, so we welcome bold freelancers. But beware, we don’t tolerate piracy or murder because they clearly are against our idea of mutual aid between freelancers.
— How does the internal organisation work?
  • The org is fluid, there are no fixed hierarchies, depending on the moment you can be part of the ‘core’ or the ‘support’ depending on what you are doing (your job or support to other members).
— Do I have to be a member or can I also be an affiliate?
  • No problem, the choice is yours.


Maximum freedom within the org. But no piracy!