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Release View
Updated Mar. 12th 2025
The Persistent Universe of Star Citizen receives updates on a monthly basis, and the Release View's intent is to show the planned features for the next three months's Persistent Universe updates. These cards represent a high level of confidence in their release timing, however these features may still move depending on development.
The Progress Tracker shows you what each team is working on in the near future and their priorities after completing the immediate deliverable at hand. Keep in mind that this isn’t necessarily when these items will be completed, simply when the work on them is scheduled to finish out by that team specifically.
For the Progress Tracker view, we’re giving you three months of visibility into some teams’ developments.
For more detailed information on the Public Roadmap and how to navigate it, check out our comprehensive Roadmap Companion Guide here: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/18532-The-Public-Roadmap-Companion
For a detailed look into the rationale behind the creation of our new Public Roadmap, make sure to check out our past Letter from the Chairman: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/17936-Letter-From-The-Chairman