November 27th 2021 at 5:11 pm
With the stats associated with the Odyssey, essentially allowing it to explore further than most other vehicles, could you tell us what's the Carracks advantages (or what they will be ish) over the Odyssey?
Essentialy the ODyssey can not only explore, it can mine, it can refuel its own quantum..... these are things that the carrack can not do severely limiting its ability to do sustained exploration missions
Essentialy the ODyssey can not only explore, it can mine, it can refuel its own quantum..... these are things that the carrack can not do severely limiting its ability to do sustained exploration missions
November 27th 2021 at 7:17 pm
On the floorplan there is a large room behind the hangar on the main deck with two doorways leading to separate rooms with ladders leading up to the after deck. There are no labels on the floorplan for this entire section and it takes up a decent portion of the rear of the ship. Can you describe what's back there/its purpose?
November 27th 2021 at 10:34 pm
While the Odyssey is a resource explorer, why compare Carrack and Odyssey when Odyssey literally has no announced explorer capability such as a mapping-oriented sensor suite and unmanned explorer drones CIG has already attributed to the Carrack?
November 28th 2021 at 8:26 am
The stated hangar of the Odyssey is size XS. With the XS being approximately : 32m long, 24m wide, 12.5m tall, is there any possibility that the rectangular shaped hangar could be enlarged slightly during its development enough to accommodate the fitting of a Freelancer Dur to round out the exploration capabilities of the Odyssey?