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Roberts Space Industries ®

Foxtrot / FOXTROT

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Resources
  • Freelancing

No Cargo too heavy

No rock too hard

No system too dangerous


The FDF was founded in 2400 as a defence force and later changed to a Private Millitary Cooperation.

The founding fathers:

(Formally a High Admiral of the UEE Navy)

(Formally a Soldier and Commander of The UEE Ground troops)

The Organization was founded in the Bremen system, where it started to recruit People.

[ FDF – 1st Tevarin War ]

On the 15th November 2541 Dr. Kellar Lench discovered the Elysium system and witnessed signs of the Tevarin civilization on the fourth planet, Kaleeth.

Shortly after, a war between Humans and the Tevarin race escalated and would go on until 2546.

Our Organization fought on the frontlines against the tevarians, but also would take refugees from the tevarian species.

Our Commander once said:

“The protection of the weak and defensless, should be the utmost priority!”

- (Commander Johnson)

And that’s the reason, why our organization works close with the Tevarian race and protected them since the 1st war!

[ FDF – Gaining Reputation ]

After helping in the 1st and 2nd Tevarian wars many Humans, but also Tevarian Refugees, began joining our Organization.

With rising members and reputation, our Organization was able to get an big enough fleet to change Headquarters and are now resting in the Stanton system to travel further and get a new Headquarter.

[ Wind of Change ]

Since the big industry boom in the Stanton-System in 2930, the demand of security forces rose quickly. This attracted both individual contractors, as well as a lot of UEE security forces to do their business of bounty hunting and policing in Stanton, making it one of the safest systems today.

However the low demand and payouts for security jobs forced the Foxtrot Defence Force to retreat from being a pure defence Organization, leading lead to a change in orientation in the year 2952.

After a re-branding to the name “Foxtrot” and the construction of new Headquarters, the guild was split into three pillars. The Logistics, Combat & Security and Industrial division. This allowed the organisation to keep their already gained knowledge in security and make profit in well protected mining and salvaging operations.


The Foxtrot Corp intentions are to:

  1. Protect
  2. Scouting
  3. Freelancing
  4. Keep pirates out

The motive of Foxtrot Corp is:

The peace for all species in the Milkyway and to go beyond the boundries of our galaxy.


Code of Conduct:
§ 1 The protection of the organisations integrity is our highest value
§ 2 No illegal actions against other citizens or organisations (exceptions can apply)
§ 3 Hierachy
§ 4 Coporations focuses

§ 1. (1) A member is obliged to protect the corporations foundation, property and morals with their life. This includes members of the Foxtrot Corp
(2) Our morals cannot be changed without the approval of the highest instances (the Fleet Admiral or Admiral).
(3) It is strictly prohibited to hand out intel of any kind, except it is approved by a Captain, Admiral or Fleet Admiral.
(4) Hierarchy is an essential foundation and an honor which must not be undermined.
(5) Property of Foxtrot Defense Force must be treated with care and has to be returned in case of dismissal or replaced when destroyed.
(6) Redundancies are usually made by the Admiral or Fleet Admiral. However Seamen and Warrant Officers can be dismissed by Commander or Captains if presenting imminent danger.

§ 2. (1) A member must primarly protect the organisation.
(2) Civilians, innocent bystanders, other not hostile people or not hostile property must be treated with care.
(3) A member must follow commands, if and only if these commands are do not collide with (§ 2 Abs. 4)
(4) Every command issued has to be in favor of the organisation and its goals.
(5) A member must try to prevent commiting crimes at all times, if he fails the organisation is not accountable.

§ 3. (1) As stated in (§ 1 Abs. 4) the rankings, honor and permissions from top to bottom read Fleet Admiral, Admiral, Captain, Commander, Warrant Officer, Seaman.
(2) A rank can only issue commands to a lower rank.
(3) Only the Fleet Admiral and Admiral can issue promotions, they can however deligate this permission.
(4) A higher rank must not be undermined.
(5) Each member from Starman to Captain can enter up to two subdivision. Categories are: Industry, Logistics, Security, Combat, Recruiting

§ 4. (1) The corporations focus is protection, defense and escort of legal matters, as well as doing industrial operations such as mining, salvaging and trading with goods like data, information, cargo, fuel and ammunition. Members of the coporation are also allowed to charge for services like transport of passengers, rescue and medical care, repairs, exploration, refining of goods, building, artistic services of any kind, towing and other tractor beam operations.
(2) Secondary focus is to neutralize or prevent piracy and illegal activities or helping out governmental institutions.
(3) We serve, explore and work in unity
(4) In exceptional situations like training, instances can decide to ignore some rules with beforehand consultation.