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Kingsley Exchange / KINGSLEY

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Scouting

Welcome to the Kingsley Exchange – trusted purveyors of intel & information since 2942.



With the fragmentation of skilled pilots in the organisation boom of 2942, many reliable sources of information were silenced under non-disclosure contract clauses. As information on new jump point locations and reliable map updates started to become scarce, a collection of former-explorers and traders convened and formed what has now become the Kingsley Exchange; the full-disclosure organisation created for the full benefit of its members.

Buzzing from the prosperity of free-information trade, it wouldn’t be long before the honey-pot attracted bees. In 2943 the exchange came under attack from a collection of unidentified pirates; the Exchange’s collection of now-peaceful traders were unprepared and ill-equipped to deal with a raid of this size, and several prominent researchers were killed in the incident. While the datalinks were still sparking, the Exchange was approached by the legendary Sharpshooter Elshento, who then proposed the formation of a paramilitary flight wing to track down and eliminate the pirates using the extensive intelligence regularly gathered by the Exchange.

Within a week, the Exchange’s ‘Vengeance Wing’ was established with Elshento at its head. The resulting retribution was quick, cold, and efficient; the pirates were discovered to be part of a larger association operating under the EOLYNCUS banner – all of whom were wiped out. The sizeable bounty incidentally collected from this mission was used to fund the reconstruction of the primary research center on a much larger scale than the original. As thanks for their service, all pilots of the Vengeance Wing were offered permanent placement within the Exchange, and the VW earned a permanent role as an arm of the now powerful organisation.

With the larger organisational capacity now available to the Exchange, talk began on opening up the Exchange to the greater public under an invite-only scheme; resulting in invitations to representatives of several major factions throughout the galaxy. To accommodate greater numbers, the Kingsley Charter was streamlined and simplified, and finally published at the turn of 2944; opening the exchange to customers for the first time.


2942 The Kingsley Exchange is founded.
———- The Kingsley Exchange Manifesto is published.
———- The 1st draft of the Kingsley Charter is created.
———- Preliminary intelligence and information collection begins

2943 The Exchange is attacked by unidentified Pirates; killing several major researchers.
———- The controversial ‘Vengeance Wing’ of the Exchange is created.
———- The EOLYNCUS Pirates Association are eliminated.
———- The Vengeance Wing remit extends to Exchange policing.

2944 The final draft of the Kingsley Charter is written and published
———- Several formative organisations are invited to become affiliates of the Exchange.



The Kingsley Exchange, quite simply, aims to be the de-facto go-to organisation for any and all information within the universe; a new jump-point appears near Banu space? We’ll have the coordinates. Your rival guild are massing in a distant sector? We’ll have their numbers and their movements.

While the Exchange primarily focusses on the dissemination of information amongst its affiliates, we will also be available for commission to fund our further intel-gathering activities.

Looking for Information?

Let’s organise a meeting! If we have the information already on record, it will of course be available to trade once it has passed our clearance period. If you’re looking for specific intel, we pride ourselves on the collection of information with the utmost of discretion.

Looking to Affiliate?

The benefit of affiliating with the Kingsley Exchange will be felt quickly and keenly. For a small membership fee, you will be entitled to:

  • Regular map updates
  • First contact on all member-discovered jump-points
  • Access to information-bounty missions

Affiliates must be vouched for by an existing Exchange member or affiliate.

Looking for employment?

The Data Collection Wing

Intelligence is our raison d’être, so the most important members of our Exchange are the Data Collectors. Based on your skillset, you can choose to report back on any of the following:

  • Deep space exploration
  • System monitoring
  • Faction activities
  • Skill masters
  • Trade route activity
  • Commodity prices
  • Diplomatic relations

The more information you feed us, the greater your share of the pay will be and the greater the benefit felt throughout the Exchange. Industriousness will be rewarded, you will have a vote on the joining of further data collectors, the honour of being a member of one of the greatest organisations in the galaxy and, of course, full access to the Kingsley Exchange datalinks at no cost.

The Vengeance Wing

Founded by the now-famous Elshento, our Vengeance Wing is our deadly wing of professional sharpshooters. As a member, it will be your duty to join the wing in its retaliatory missions against those who have committed piracy against other members, and defend the exchange against organised attack if necessary.

In recompense for your actions, you will be given an even share of the 20% funds allocated to the Vengeance Wing, a vote in the recruitment of further wing-members and, of course, full access to the Kingsley Exchange datalinks at no cost.

The Infiltration Wing

To ensure that the catastrophe of 2943 never happened again, a black-ops infiltration wing has been authorised in order to provide advanced notice of any potential actions against the Exchange. Long-term missions will be given and paid-for up-front

All Infiltration Wing members will, of course, have their anonymity entirely protected, but any members that go rogue will be subject to the retribution of the vengeance wing.



1. Core Principles

1.1 All information already obtained by the Exchange will always be 100% free to members and affiliates.
1.2 The Exchange will, at all times, operate principally for the benefit of its members and affiliates.
1.3 The Exchange maintains a strictly neutral stance with all non-pirate organisations.
1.4 The Exchange maintains a strong aggressive stance with all pirates and pirate organisations.

2. Affiliate Expectations

2.1 Affiliate Services

2.1.1 Any affiliate is entitled to protection from Exchange members in Exchange-controlled space.
2.1.2 Any affiliate is entitled to all information held by the exchange that has not been marked as classified.
2.1.3 Any affiliate can request, for a fee, the Exchange to obtain specific information.

2.2 Affiliate Costs

2.2.1 All affiliates are expected to pay a regular affiliate’s fee of 0UEC per cycle.
2.2.2 The costs of requesting the Exchange obtain specific information will be proportionate to the difficulty in obtaining it.

3. Member Expectations

3.1 Member Protection

3.1.1 All members will give aid to any fellow member that requests it.
3.1.2 All members will protect any member or affiliate vessel in Exchange-controlled space.
3.1.3 All members are entitled to guaranteed aid by nearby Vengeance Wings.

3.2 Discoveries & Intel

3.2.1 All members will report discoveries to the exchange at the first opportunity; failure to do so will be considered a minor infraction.
3.2.2 Such discoveries include:

  • Jump Points
  • Undiscovered Systems
  • Skilled Overclockers
  • Invasion Plans
  • Mineral Rich Systems
  • Diplomatic Turbulences

3.2.3 All information will be made openly and freely available to all Exchange members.
3.2.4 All information marked as classified must not be shared outside of the Exchange membership; doing so will be considered an unforgivable infraction.

3.3 Assault on fellow Members

3.3.1 Opening fire on a fellow member is be considered a minor infraction.
3.3.2 Destroying a fellow member’s vessel will is considered a major infraction.
3.3.3 Killing a fellow member will be considered an unforgivable infraction.

3.4 Data Collection Wing

3.4.1 The budget of the Data Collection Wing will be distributed evenly amongst all members of the Data Collection Wing.
3.4.2 Members of the Data Collection Wing agree to ‘check in’ with the exchange at least once per week unless otherwise specified.
3.4.3 The member who has contributed the most usable information to the Exchange each month will earn double pay for that payment cycle.

3.5 Vengeance Wing

3.5.1 The Vengeance Wing budget will be distributed evenly amongst all members of the Vengeance Wing.
3.5.2 Vengeance Wing members agree to accept all targets given to them by the Exchange; failure to do so will be considered a major infraction.
3.5.3 Vengeance Wing members will, in addition to 3.1, protect any member or member vessel that is in immediate danger.

3.6 Affiliate Missions

3.6.1 Any missions given by affiliates will be available for completion by all members.
3.6.2 The member responsible for completing an affiliate mission will earn 90% of the data-bounty.

3.7 Engagement in Piracy

3.7.1 Any member caught engaging in piracy will be deemed guilty of an unforgivable offence.

4. Infractions

4.1 For minor infractions, members agree to pay a fine of 0UEC to the damaged party.
4.2 For major infractions, members agree to forfeit all pay for 1 pay-cycle
4.3 For unforgivable infractions, members will be marked for elimination by the Vengeance Wing and expelled from the Exchange.

5. Budgets

5.1 25% of Exchange Profits will be dedicated to the Vengeance Wing
5.2 25% of Exchange Profits will be dedicated to the Data Collectors
5.3 10% of Exchange Profits will be put into the Exchange bank.
5.4 40% of Exchange Profits will be put aside for the acquisition of additional data and intel.