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Roberts Space Industries ®

Trinity Medical Association / TRINITYMED

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Medical
  • Freelancing

Welcome all! We are a group focused on services to other citizens including medical, rescues, beacons, and more! Anyone is free to join as long as they adhere to our motto and mission statement: Service through action, Sacrifice through love, Serenity through peace.


Trinity Medical Association was established in May 2024 by VinnSabr98.


If free will is the greatest gift, then embracing your gift for the prosperity of others is your greatest power. Star Citizen is a game, but is it not also a mirror that casts a reflection of your character? Whether you rob a wealthy org boss for millions of credits worth of commodities or rescue a noob stranded in the deep black, every decision you make is etched on the binary code of a Star Citizen server. Furthermore, your decisions even have the power to dictate experiences (good or bad) on other Star Citizens. What then should you decide? Trinity Medical Association strives to be the answer to your calling of service. We accept anyone willing to join but do be warned of the impending risk of operation. You will be beaten, robbed, taken advantage of, or even killed, but fret not! Good things come to those who offer Service through action, Sacrifice through love, Serenity through peace.


These guidelines may be subject to additional rules and amendments.

1. Please remain respectful of other star citizens
2. You do not have to be a regular Star Citizen player to join
3. Bounty hunting and pvp is allowed for training, as service, or for protection only (no murder hobos)
4. Be a help to players that ask for it
5. Take medical beacons
6. When you take beacons of any kind be swift and respectful of time (arrive within 30mins of a beacon unless communicated otherwise by client)
7. Communicate respectfully in game chat and on Spectrum
8. All violators of rules 1,3, and 7 will be removed from TMA (Trinity Medical Association)
9. You can help anyone with medical including criminals
10. Repeat violations of any of these rules can be used as reason for demotions or termination from TMA