Born into Martian Middle-Nobility, Henry J. Foster toiled to embody the expectations of his family. Overshadowed by the meteoric rise of his young sisters in Martian Politics and Biomedical Research; Henry's failing as a worthy heir to the family name by pursuing a path of simple bureaucratic administration earned his estrangement from the clan hospitality. A final pity bestowed by a kindly uncle came in the form of a mysterious black business wafer with the defiantly spinning FALOTI logo at its heart. An interview was conducted in the confines of a telephone booth with a mysterious man in a fedora on the lunar colony of Phobos, the result of which saw him assured his "talents" would be well utilized in his coming occupation. He is currently awaiting a full explanation of what is expected of him or what his responsibilities are. Despite this, he has arranged his bobble-heads and model-tanks on his desk appropriately to accommodate any job-title.