Calamity Star (C*) is a trans-humanoid recombinant nanobot synthetic organism. Originally a thick matrix of nanobot rich industrial waste, C* ended up mixing with other industrial and biological slop at the lowest levels of Area 18.
C* mindlessly modified itself, adapting to its extreme environment according to the basic rules by which it operates. Biology was merged into its recursive self sustaining survival model and in time, the nanobots acquired a collective sentience. Cascades of change began as the horrors of existence and the fear of death took hold of the amorphous entity.
Integrating with life on ArcCorp, C* was constantly reforming itself as the increasingly self aware nanobot organism grew in size, eventually settling on a humanoid form.
It adapted to humanoid life despite several "teachable moments." Klescher Rehabilitation's repeated lessons about hard work and self betterment were just the data C* needed to become a fully functional member of humanoid society.