Born as a slave on a prison ship that headed to the Outer Rim of the Solar System, he grew up in Pluto´s hostile dark and cold mining complexes being parentless and the only child on the planet.
Raised by an imprisoned Xi'an who helped him sharpening his senses and improving his fighting skills beyond human level, he managed to flee at the age of 18 during a revolt.
Searching for his origin he made his way to Jupiter where he took revenge on the murderers of his father.
His way led him up to a Galactic Senator and killing him paved the way for his existence as an Outlaw.
With his 35 years he has already done a remarkable number of tough jobs while being known for his reckless attitude and alliances with alien races.
Most of the time he is roaming around in the streets of Neo Tokyo on Titan moon, hustling for bounty hunter contracts no matter how dangerous they might be.
Light footed fast liver enjoying the amusements of the underground.