I was born and raised in the small and desolate town of Los Angeles. I grew up with my mom, dad, and two sisters. They were far less intelligent that I was and could never pass the first grade. When I finished collage at the age of 10 and went on to Military School where i was the top of my class and became the youngest colonel in the forces. At the ripe old age of 18 I became the head of the Military and was acclaimed by the President of the Earth, President Fish-In-A-Bowl. He was truly our greatest president. I ended up getting promoted again to the the highest possible ranking. After the promotion I decided to join my old friends in their new force against the enemy forces, Chin Chin Industries. Now I'm a part of a corporation that will travel the universe in search of Planet P3N!S-124377. Our journey will be long, but the outcomes will be marvelous.