When mankind faced an alien threat of terrifying scope, Ninto Wilson III, like many before him, answered the call to defend his homeland. As a skilled pilot, he rose swiftly through the ranks of the UEE, where his courage and sense of purpose were not without precedent, for he followed the path of his great-great-grandfather, a man of renown who preferred to be the hound on the hunt, ever ready and vigilant, rather than the dog held in dog-house.
After the conflict subsided, Ninto turned his attention to the realm of innovation and industry. In the aftermath of war, he founded MultiTech, a company dedicated to advancing technology and providing solutions to complex problems.
Thus, Ninto Wilson III’s legacy is marked by his courage in battle and the lasting impact in the field of technology. His citizenship is a keystone in some of history’s most iconic conflicts and historians even now state his name endures in the halls of history as a man who contributed profoundly to the advancement of civilization.