Started gaming with the release of Everquest. Led several successful guilds over the years. Was the second player to obtain the Fiery Defender Sword in EQ, still considered to be among the hardest quest to complete in MMO history. Over the last 20 years, I have played just about every MMO, RTS game released, Steam account has over 175+ Games, Played so many FPS games, I lost count. The only game genre that I haven't developed a vast experience base in is Space Sims. With the advent of ED and SC, the time has come for me to enjoy all that there is to experience in the Space Sim "Universe".. I am a 48 year old gamer, Father of an 8 year old little gamer, who has such an amazing gaming skillset for her age that it is nothing short of shocking to watch. She started with her first desktop computer at the age of 3, and over the last five years, she has completed on her own Witcher 3, Saints Row 3, Shadows of Mordor, Mafia 2... Just to name of few. We are both looking forward to all that SC has to offer.