I thieved.. I killed.. I destroyed. It all started years ago when I was young, dumb and desperate. I worked the mining trade and had tried to make a fast and easy break from my mundane life. After talking and negotiating with some loan sharks 'Shameless, Scandalous, Grave creatures... JUST DON'T DEAL WITH THEM' I hit the races. Well luck wasn't with me that day and now I had a serious problem. I went to the bar and binged with my last credits knowing that was the best idea.. knowing my future looked grim. Just thinking and thinking and thinking 'How am I gonna get out of this?'. A moment later a suspicious character came in and sat next to me. Said he had a job something that would pay big. Without a second thought I accepted it with my judgement misleading me. So many years so many terrible things. I had enough. My humanity... does it still exist? I took the loot. I took the ships. I killed them all. I have to do better. I have to find redemption.