I said I'd be back for breakfast - how are those kippers doing fellas?
Judas "Ace" Jagged
UEEN Rear Admiral [Retired] BSc 2950
Member of the Kurt Russell Fan Club
Proud Patron of 'Give a Kopion a chance' UEE Charity 2954
Part-time Volunteer CDF - Crusader Womens Auxillary Ballon Corp.
Discharged 2230: Medical Grounds (Vertigo) + Section 39 Offences with Crusader Personnel
Test/Demo Pilot/Senior Stylist/Instructor/Trainee Xenomorph Handler
Space Adventurer/Shiny Thing Enthusiast/Tourist (Scottish)
co.Voyager Bar and Golf Club - Orison
(Currently in Evaluation and Rehab: Class A-D Substance Addiction, Private Padded-Suite 013, Orison CloudView Center/General Hospital)
What a guy!