[she/her, here and offline.]
Aero-pilot IRL turned spaec pilot. OG furry and have seen all of the trash talk, yours isn't new.
"Michi Lumin" on most places (twitter, twitch, etc), Luskwood founder on SL, Dogecoin Core Dev, FA artist, Radio comms enthusiast, laser hobbyist, aerospace contractor, engineer, and older than you.
My name has nothing to do with the in-game rifle; and predates that. Though I do like lasers. If they made it in purple I'd be a fool to not use it all the time.
I AM A MASSIVE CAREBEAR AND U HAVE BETTR SKILLZ THAN ME OK i shant challenge your huge e-pp; its girth is undisputed. Now that that's cleared up:
I hate unsolicited PvP, am very pro collaborative PvE. I seriously don't care if you consider yourself a bad-ass.* By get gud skillz or fleet size. WARNING: I MAY ENJOY GAEM IN DIFFERENT WAY THAN U. I APOLOGIZE IF THIS MAKES U ANGERY, WHICH IT DO.
* (I pre-block assholes and sociopaths, <3 Yer gonna pad-ram me anyways, I don't need to hear you get excited about it.)