Alpha 3.15:
Deadly Consequences

Alpha 3.15

Welcome to Star Citizen Alpha 3.15

Release Date: November 10th, 2021

Cowering behind a cargo crate, the merc relaxed as his thigh absorbed the MedPen contents. He grabbed his backpack, hoping to find a way out. No ammo, no weapons; just a Pico plushie and two bags of E’tam. Perfect... he thought, as a grenade trickled across the concrete.

Maria peered down the barrel of her rifle at the mess below. “Preparation is the key to success, you know,” she muttered, before tossing the slightly charred penguin into her bag and heading deeper into the facility…

Deadly Consequences Trailer

New gameplay, new missions, new adventures

Discover the features and improvements in Star Citizen Alpha 3.15!


Death & Consequences

Gameplay: Death

Death now brings deadly consequences in Alpha 3.15! If you suffer an untimely demise, all of your physically equipped items are dropped and persist wherever they land. These dropped items can be looted by other opportunistic players, or retrieved by you after you've regenerated at a hospital or pre-selected respawn location. If you're looking to make a name for yourself healing and reviving others, Alpha 3.15 is for you. But fly safe or you'll discover new dangers in a universe that's more unforgiving (but rewarding) than ever before.

This ties into the reworked Health & Healing systems and Personalized Inventory, making every trip into the unknown an endeavor that must be carefully considered.

Health & Healing

Feature: Reworked Health Mechanic, including Hospitals

Downed Status & Injuries: When injured, players will now enter a downed state, where they can call for help and be revived by others.

The head, torso, and limbs can now be individually injured, each impacting player control and movement. For example, a broken arm impedes a player's aim, while a head injury causes dizziness. Injuries are tiered, with less-serious ailments being temporarily treatable in the field, though all body damage must eventually be healed at a medical facility.

Hospitals in Orison, Grim HEX, microTech: New hospital locations are now open across Stanton. Alongside healing all injuries, players can now choose to regenerate at the nearest hospital location following death.

Landing zone hospitals heal all injuries, with dedicated emergency elevators taking players from the hangar to treatment. Rest stops (and the Carrack and 890 Jump) can heal all but the worst injuries, while ambulances (such as the Cutlass Red) can treat minor wounds and stabilize patients in transit to hospital.

Medical Tools & Drugs: Various medical tools are now available for use in the ‘verse, including the CureLife medical gun and Greycat Multi-Tool healing attachment. Healing can be self-administered or given by another player. However, tool use must be carefully considered, as they affect a player’s ‘blood drug level.’ If mismanaged, it could lead to overdose.

Loot Generation

Feature: Lootable items from in-game containers, downed players and NPCs

The loot generation system places dynamically-generated item crates throughout the universe for players to discover. From planetary surfaces to landing zones, it’s worth scouring the corners of the universe to load up on guns, armor, consumables, and more.

NPCs and downed enemy characters can be looted too, so players should always check for anything useful before moving on from a fight.

Personal Inventory

Feature: Personal Inventory

A major step towards a truly persistent universe, the Personal Inventory physicalizes everything owned by the player and manages it through the new 'NikNax' Asset Manager mobiGlas app. Of course, the size and weight of weapons, consumables, armor, and more affect what can be equipped at once, so now every journey must be well considered beforehand.

Players must carefully gear up before missions, as inventory space is limited. However, ships with weapon lockers and personal storage can be used to store additional equipment, making long trips more manageable.

New Missions

Missions: Infiltrate & Defend

New missions are available throughout the ‘verse, this time featuring infiltrate and defend objectives. The former mission type challenges players to gain access to a specific location to collect an item or kill a target, while the latter requires players to successfully protect various locations from a variety of enemies.

Origin 400i

Vehicle: Origin 400i

Designed to haul its crew and cargo across the galaxy in absolute luxury, Origin’s all-new explorer has already made its mark thanks to its stunning design and long-range ability. Built for a life of adventure, it’s flyable in the ‘verse now.

Crusader A2 Hercules

Vehicle: Crusader A2 Hercules

The bomber variant of Crusader’s vast military hauler, the A2 Hercules strikes fear into ground installations everywhere thanks to its payload of colossal S10 bombs. Additional S3 bombs, remote turrets, and heavy defense make this A2 a serious force to be reckoned with.


Feature: Bombing

Alpha 3.15 brings bombing to the ‘verse. Now, spaceships capable of dropping explosives benefit from a full complement of offensive abilities that can be unleashed upon unsuspecting targets across Stanton and beyond.

New Armors

Caldera High Pressure Suits & RRS Light Armor

Explore the ‘verse in new armors from Caldera and RRS. Each new suit includes a backpack in support of the Personal Inventory, giving players the carrying capacity they need to survive the trials of space travel. Going forward, each new armor will receive a matching backpack along with standalone options.

Crusader: Orison v2

Locations: Orison Landing Zone v2

Expanding upon its debut in Alpha 3.14, the latest iteration of Orison welcomes Cousin Crow’s Custom Craft, Providence Surplus, the Crusader Showroom, and various other interesting additions. Head over to Stanton’s breathtaking ‘city in the clouds’ to discover what’s new for yourself.

The Universe Awaits

start your adventure