Port Olisar A Community Farewell Letter

12 months ago

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Port Olisar - The space station above Crusader with majestic views.

Over the years you have become more than just a space station. You have become a beacon of Hope, Dreams, and aspirations of what is to come. A launching point for our adventures and the beginning of an era. We will miss you and all the memories you bring every time we see you.

But fear not for us for we are moving towards the future on the path that you paved for us. And there will be a new angel in the sky watching over us - Seraphim

This is not a farewell, my old friend, for I will search pyro and beyond till we meet again.

When we do, I will be flooded with the memories of where this adventure began.

-The Community

Thanks to everyone that worked on this project with me. It was a joy to make and not possible without you!

Last modified by 12 months ago


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