Born N Honolulu, Hawaii back N 1978. White man, who dropped out of college back N 1998 after findN out how UNcreative that being a draftsman was going 2b due 2 'building codes'. Mostly had driving jobs N the past for IRL work. Building/designN a 3D model of a new 70-meter-long space craft named Pulsar. She's going 2b a interdiction type O ship. She is made by ESIORG. I'm a recruiter 4 ESIORG. Join me if U want 2 & can render/animate/3D model. The 2D drafts R done, along with the 2 small shuttles (exterior only so far) & a mockup of Pulsar's exterior. Bill&Ted R the names of her 2 support shuttles that support her with shields + jamming + ppl & cargo Xfer. She has no shields of her own & cannot land. Both shuttles & Pulsar have no weapons (unarmed). The only damage output would B her nebula generator. Tell U more if ur interested on my progress N making her 4 Star Citizen &/or if U would like 2 join me N completing her. I'm on Discord & Steam; PM me N the verse' first. 0Follower
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