Alpha 3.9 -
Locked Up & Loaded

Alpha 3.9

Welcome to Star Citizen Alpha 3.9

Release Date: April 29, 2020

“This is New Babbage Flight Control. With immediate effect, we can confirm that microTech’s Interstellar Spaceport is open and granting clearance to land. However, conditions are still inclement and likely to worsen, so we request that all pilots take additional care when approaching and descending. Passengers are advised to prepare for extreme cold. With that said, we and everyone at New Babbage are delighted to welcome you to microTech!”

Doing Time

Prisons: Klescher Rehabilitation Facility

Destroyed an innocent freighter? Opened fire on a landing zone? Committed a minor parking infraction? There’s only one place for scum like you, and you’ll have work your way back into the UEE’s good graces. The all-new Klescher Rehabilitation Facility on Aberdeen, Hurston is a flawless instrument of justice. Just stay away from the ventilation ducts… there’s nothing for you down there.

Doing Time
Doing Time

Cold Calling

microTech: New Babbage

microTech’s exquisitely presented landing zone is finally open to the public. Although widely regarded as the ideal basecamp for explorers heading into the wilderness, this technology-driven super city is a destination itself thanks to ultra-modern architecture, exclusive shops, and luxury accommodations.

Cold Calling
Cold Calling

Better Together

Rework: Friends List

It’s easier than ever to crew-up thanks to a complete refactor of the Friends List. You can now see the status of your prospective cohorts and jump into their universe, or invite them to yours, without jumping through hoops. Whether you’re mining, pirating, exploring, or struggling to get off the ground, teaming up is little more than a click away.

Better Together
Better Together
Better Together

One Giant Leap

microTech: Clio, Calliope, Euterpe

Desolate, dangerous, and… beautiful. The harshest climes in Stanton are awaiting new footprints, though only the hardiest explorers need apply. From the snowy serenity of Clio to the blistered peaks of Caliope, via the rocky tundra of Euterpe, there’s adventure to be had a short jump from New Babbage.

One Giant Leap
One Giant Leap
One Giant Leap

Secure Attachment

UI: Weapon Attachments

Lock and load! Switching out small arms attachments has never been easier. Simply use the dedicated Attachment Interface to switch between sights, scopes, silencers, and whatever else you need to keep the peace.

Secure Attachment

Adventure Time

Mission: Prisoner Transfer

Dispatch calling all available units - Code Four in Stanton. Pirates have captured a Drake Caterpillar transporting classified organic cargo. Be careful, we’ve had reports that they're heavily armed and extremely dangerous. 

Adventure Time
Adventure Time

Among Us

New Ship: Esperia Prowler

This formidable dropship once struck fear into the hearts of UEE forces and Citizens alike… now you can too, thanks to Esperia! With high defense, low-signature components, and drop seats for 16 of your closest friends, the Prowler is the ideal way to move serious muscle across the universe. Plus, the unique Tevarin design looks like nothing else available anywhere on the Human market.

Status Quo
Status Quo

Status Quo

Player Status: Hot & Cold, Hunger & Thirst

The bitter weather of microTech can leave unprepared adventurers or hapless pilots frozen solid in minutes. Luckily, the mobiGlas now supports real-time body status readings. Now, you’ll know to take shelter when the weather gets too cold (or hot) to handle. And don’t forget to pack enough food and drink before heading out on an adventure to stave off hunger and dehydration.

Status Quo
Status Quo
Status Quo
Status Quo

Deep Thoughts

Personal Inventory & Inner Thought

Everyone in the ‘verse now has their very own inventory system to keep vital weapons, life-saving consumables, and ludicrous sunglasses handy at all times. Plus, it’s easier than ever to interact with the world and its inhabitants thanks to a rework of the Inner Thought system.

Personal Inventory & Inner Thought
Personal Inventory & Inner Thought

Locked Up & Loaded

The Star Citizen team previews Alpha 3.9

Take a whirlwind look at Alpha 3.9's new locations, features, missions, and more with the Star Citizen developers themselves.

Pillar Talk

Alpha 3.9

Join Chris Roberts, Sean Tracy, Paul Reindell, and Eric Kieron Davis as they discuss the new content and tech debuting in the latest Star Citizen release.


Experience the Esperia Prowler and a buffed MISC Reliant series in Alpha 3.9.

Esperia's take on the infamous Tevarin dropship soars into the 'verse, while MISC's alien-inspired Reliant series gets a buff.


    by ESPERIA

    Esperia Tevarin Prowler

Fly Now

Get into the verse with a starter package perfect for rookie pilots

The Mustang Alpha Starter Pack

& Style

$ 45 .00 USD

Fly Now

The Aurora MR Starter Pack

and Tenacity

$ 45 .00 USD

Fly Now

The Universe Awaits

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