That one's a gpu crash.
The programmers that looked at that issue said that the dump for this crash doesn't have a valid callstack. Sometimes when that happens, it's from other programs...
With the recent advancements in our server technology, especially with the arrival of Server Meshing, we're planning to reassess our approach to the VOIP backend. The...
I usually kill all the targets, tractor beam them into my ship, and bulk harvest them to keep me safe during the process. You don't actually need a Tractor Beam to...
Hi Everyone! Time again for another Hotfix Central thread to keep you all up to date on things going on outside of the normal patch cycle in SC Alpha 4.1 LIVE! This...
Hop on a fast ship with a powerful scan range, one Tractor Beam to find the Tundra Kopion, and in the darkness harvest them, in the Land of microTech where the Tundra...
Long term, we're looking at fixing the cause of the crash so that outdated string data doesn't cause a client crash.
1. Immediately after the game crashes ( do not launch the game again), navigate to the installation directory for the game 2. Open the game.log file 3. At the end of...
We've identified that there is a frequent client side crash occurring for some users which have outdated string data in their game installation. For anyone that is...
Hey, cheers for the report. We have successfully reproduced this issue in our internal build and are actively working on a fix. It appears that some minables are not...
What's the digest ID for the crash in your game.log file?
Can you submit an issue council for this with your launcher logs?
I'll get a bug in for this so we can get it looked at.
Thanks for highlighting the errors, I have escalated this up to the appropriate team.
Greetings! The brand new Banu Collector, Wikelo, has been added into the Stanton system! This collector of fine goods found around the universe has made their way to...
Greetings! In 4.1 Ship Collision damage handling is now done using full collision data passed down by physics. This means mass and speed is now calculated in the...
Greetings! 4.1 brings a new style of gameplay with Align and Mine, our latest persistent sandbox activity. This new sandbox activity brings players to 2 moons in...
Greetings! In preparation for future systems, we have started to prepare the Ground Vehicle mining and FPS mining gameplay to fit our goals. We split out FPS minables...