Hello PTU Testers! Here is a great place to discuss new bugfixes, new issues encountered, as well as IC reports affecting the latest PTU release! Below you will find...
Star Citizen Alpha Patch 4.0.2 Alpha Patch 4.0.2 has been released onto the PTU environment! Launcher should now show: VERSION 4.0.2-PTU.9546856. Characters in this...
Hey Fraisier, no worries at all! Your submission made it to the finalists, but ultimately, we could only select three winners for this contest. Don’t be...
Winners of the Red Festival 2955 - Envelop the 'Verse in Kindness Screenshot Contest have been announced in the original message :red_envelope:
Hi, The focus for Star Citizen recently on the code side has been on stability and quality of life (QoL) improvements to existing features, especially after the...
Hey everyone! We noticed some questions about the stealth capabilities of the Hornet Ghost (Mk I and Mk II) and its Ghost Center Cap Attachment, so we wanted to give...
Hello PTU Testers! Here is a great place to discuss new bugfixes, new issues encountered, as well as IC reports affecting the latest PTU release! Below you will find...
If a player has completed the Save Stanton as well as Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the Fight for Pyro event, their account is flagged and they receive rewards based on what...
Quick update to avoid replying multiple times. We have implemented a fix as of 4.0.2_9519347 that should address the performance loss when in atmosphere / gravity...
Ciao it’s Mattia from the Vehicle Experience Team here! :blush: After reviewing your feedback from the 4.0.0 and 4.0.1 patch cycles, we’ve taken the opportunity to...
Its a purely narrative phase, with the truth revealed the FF are pulling back for now. This part serves as a narrative conclusion and also a moral cleanser for anyone...
Star Citizen Alpha Patch 4.0.2 Alpha Patch 4.0.2 has been released onto the PTU environment! Launcher should now show: VERSION 4.0.2-PTU.9521869. Characters in this...
Thanks for the heads-up! I’ll keep an eye on any issues you report here and pass them along to the team. If you can also send me your issue council reports (either by...
Hey Xen0peW, The paint was created as part of the MK2 Heartseeker promo, but we’ve made it available for all MK2 Hornets. However, the Heartseeker and other MK2...
There are no additional rewards for completing Phase 3 of the event besides the aUEC you'll earn.
Hey Warrensiks, this is indeed due to a bug. We've already identified the issue and have a fix planned for the upcoming Alpha 4.0.2 release!
We're aware that some players are still missing their rewards despite completing the required missions. If you've already submitted a ticket, our support team will be...
Phase 3 rewards are aUEC, with no additional bonuses this time.