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Roberts Space Industries ®


July 26th 2024

Date 3 hours ago
Patch Notes [Evocati PTU] Star Citizen Alpha 3.24.0 PTU.9261418 Patch Notes

Star Citizen Alpha Patch 3.24.0 Alpha Patch 3.24.0 has been released to Evocati, and is now available to test! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.24.0-PTU.9261418....

Date 7 hours ago
Spectrum Feedback Is the Edit Feature on SPECTRUM Posts Broken?

Hey everyone, The development team has deployed a fix for this issue, so you should be able to edit posts again. Please note that you might need to clear your...

mwiazemsky | Turbulent
Date 8 hours ago
Spectrum Feedback Yet another bug (Spectrum v6.28.0): Can't unblock messages from users I blocked.

Hey, this should be fixed in 6.28.1, along some of the other recently reported bugs

Date 8 hours ago
Announcements CitizenCon 2954 Volunteers - Applications Now Open!

We have sent a first wave of invites to Behind The Scenes Participants (called Volunteers in the days of old) :sparkles:

Date 11 hours ago
General The Foundation Festival Vehicle Weapons Guide is almost entirely misinformation - here are some corrections [RESOLVED]

Hey everyone, we have brought improvements to the Vehicles Weapons Guide. Thanks for raising this thread :+1: It looked like Nine Tails agents had hacked the system,...

Date 1 day ago
Ask The Devs Can we get an update on mastermodes in atmospheric flight?

We're not moving away from the control surfaces. The 3.24 atmo tuning is using the legacy system though. If you find it too forgiving then maybe put that into the...

Date 1 day ago
Ask The Devs Can we get an update on mastermodes in atmospheric flight?

What you call "master modes in atmospheric flight" is actually just the control surface tech we showed during CitizenCon. If you watch our demonstration on flight...

Date 1 day ago
Ask The Devs Quantum Battles "The Expanse" Style

Actual combat will only happen in SCM. At some point we will time to work a bit more on trapping mechanics, etc. but it is not planned to go back the high speed combat...

Date 1 day ago
Feedback Whats up with the combat audio

Heya, I can't speak for audio these days. The situational awareness during combat though is definitely something that needs work ... but that is not purely an audio...

Date 1 day ago
Patch Notes [Evocati PTU] Star Citizen Alpha 3.24.0 PTU.9259600 Patch Notes

Star Citizen Alpha Patch 3.24.0 Alpha Patch 3.24.0 has been released to Evocati, and is now available to test!   Patch should now show: VERSION 3.24.0-PTU.9259600....

mwiazemsky | Turbulent
Date 1 day ago
Spectrum Feedback Yet another bug (Spectrum v6.28.0): Can't unblock messages from users I blocked.

Technical upgrades caused these bugs unfortunately, but we're hard at work fixing them as soon as possible !

Date 2 days ago
General Roadmap Roundup - July 24, 2024

Happy Wednesday, everyone! Every two weeks, we accompany the Roadmap update with a brief explanatory note to give you insight into the decision-making that led to any...

Date 2 days ago
General 3.24 Hangar Function FAQ (Unofficial)

Hey everyone, Great thread! I'm clarifying this point: It is unclear if buying a new ship on the pledge store will resize PH, as you have to re-copy to PTU to...

Date 2 days ago
Ask The Devs definition of an "unowned vehicle" ?

Yes there's a cooldown on it, currently to recoup a single second of grace period you must wait 80 seconds.

Date 3 days ago
Ask The Devs definition of an "unowned vehicle" ?

Update on this: For 3.24, the grace period you have to move owned ships (with shields down) within an Armistice Zone is now 10 seconds (up from 4). I've also added a...

Date 3 days ago
Patch Notes [Evocati PTU] Star Citizen Alpha 3.24.0 PTU.9256674 Patch Notes

Star Citizen Alpha Patch 3.24.0 Alpha Patch 3.24.0 has been released to Evocati, and is now available to test!   Patch should now show: VERSION 3.24.0-PTU.9256674....

Date 4 days ago
General Regarding this week's roadmap roundup and all future ones

If you haven't checked out our monthly reports, you should! They have this info, along with some visuals! It's just every four weeks instead of every two :smile:

Date 4 days ago
General Why is Rental so Expensive

REC prices are linked to the PU price; which was recently increased while REC income remained the same. We're hoping to make adjustments for the next major release.

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