Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!

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  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

PURPOSE: Security and exploration

Not a member of the AWSC yet? Make sure you apply and join our Discord


“Through Knowledge, Victory. Through Unity, Peace. Honor, Valor, Allegiance. Today. Tomorrow. Forever.”


The Allied Worlds of Sol & The Core also known as the AWSC, is a military agency of the Unified Allied Sol Goverment UASG.

The Colonial forces of the AWSC are a ragtag group consisting of everything from battle-hardened Sol veterans from the Coalition Marine Corps to young colonists and Guardsman who have never set foot on Earth nor seen a day of combat in their lives. Being an important border world, their equipment is state of the art, but it is also all they are going to get.

Everything the Colonial Guard and the Marines can bring to the fight is already in play. Contact with the outside has been cut off. Attempts to communicate with other AWSC colonies result only in failure’s. Now the Colonial forces of the AWSC are stranded in the Stanton system, making sure the surface and space of Stanton is save from any rebel movement and attacks for all of her colonists in the system.

Star Citizen

With Star Citizen we hope we can expend our “Role Play” group of friends to a new game with more possibility’s. Right now Star Citizen does not even come close to the custom / role play events we experience in Arma 3 but we hope with the development of the game we can do something what we normally do in Arma 3 in Star Citizen.


As mentioned before the 17th is a Role Play unit and we love to have our own role’s if it is escort, fighter, or ground combat we all have our own experience of fun.

So our gameplay in Star Citizen is mainly focused on finding the right spot where the combat is currently going on, depending on the events of the fight we will adapt to it. Meaning if a Shooty boy a term we use for people that fight on the ground with hand held weapons will join a dog fight.

Multi role combat

If we are on a server with a acceptable activity we will try to see if the players in that instance are up for a multi combat fight.


The primary goal of the AWSC is to make sure you get from point A to B without worrying about pirates lurking around the corner to steal your cargo/shipment or even your ship. But we don’t just provide escorts for vulnerable pilots out there in the Galaxy.

When you need the extra fire power if it is in Space or in Atmosphere we got you covered. People of the AWSC are familiar with different flight, shooting and driving simulators and each man or woman got there own specialty and skill set.

Core Shipment Protocol

We provide you the best of the best protection surface for a fee. This fee depends on your current cargo shipment that you are performing and the amount of protectors you requested and the available ships we have, for example if you request 2 constellations with a full crew the fee you’ll pay would be more then if you ask for four Aurora’s.

Combat assistant Protocol

We love to bring hell on those who deserve it and we are not scarred to jump in, hell our motto is even Feet First Into Hell and that is no joke.
When Combat assistant is requested a member of the 17Th Shock Battalion will accept or decline the request at anytime anywhere in the Universe, depending on his or her acceptance level of payment. Some will do it for less then a 1,000 others request more.

We don’t control the greediness of our members as it is a hard time to get around here in the Universe. But this doesn’t change the fact that no matter what situation you are in or what your current balance is there is always someone from the AWSC ready to help a citizen out in distress.

Personal Transport Protocol

Need to get from Point A to Point B ? We’ll gladly help you with that however we do have a couple terms of conditions.
When a pilot accepts response to a Personal Transport Beacon we would like to know if there are any hostile pirate or any form of criminal activity is around you. For example are you on a Trade Run and did your ship got destroyed we would like to know what kind of ship it was, so we can assure your safety and those of our own pilots as well.

Second thing is we never come alone, as mentioned before the safety of our pilots is just important as that of your self so there will always be a extra man or 2 onboard of your responded. They will collect any fire arm you have on you and guard you. At the end of the ride your weapons will be giving back to you and your name will be stored in our Manifest of Citizens that behave during the ride of the accepted Personal Transport Beacon.
