“Shuffle up the Wildcards, and deal ‘em…”
The 58th Fighter Squadron (Wild Cards) is a Ready Reserve Naval unit that first received its colors in 2899. The unit is centered around the UEES Saratoga, an Aegis Idris frigate. The 58th has been called to active duty from 2910-2930 and 2946-Present and its port is currently on Jalan in the Elysium System. Current mission set includes, Expedition/ Patrol Operations, Convoy Operations, Search and Destroy and Search and Rescue Operations. Primary Mission set is to conduct perimeter sweeps along the Vanduul front while acting in a local supervisory role for the UEEN Civil Patrol Program. Members of the UEES Saratoga conduct the missions and operations of their civilian profession when they are not on duty.
The 58th fighter squadron stands ready to engage and destroy the enemies of the UEE in Land, Air, and Space combat in order to secure the borders of the UEE and protect its citizens.
Primary Mission Set:
Conduct perimeter sweeps along Vanduul front.
Conduct supervisory role for the UEEN Civil Patrol Program in the Eastern Quadrant
Secondary Mission Set:
Conduct System Security Sweeps to assist with local Civil authorities
Combat Tasks
-Expedition/ Patrol Operations
-Convoy Operations
-Search and Destroy
-Search and Rescue Operations.
-Reconnaissance Operations
- The 58th fighter squadron follows standard UEE Military organizational structure and abides by all Customs and Courtesies as outlined in UEER-600-25.
- All members will perform the duties and responsibilities of their rank and will be prepared to execute the duties and responsibilities of their superiors in their absence.
- All members will conduct themselves professionally while conducting sanctioned missions
-Members in the 58th are expected to be subject Matter Experts in their rank and position
-Members will conduct missions and standardize loadouts in accordance with the unit SOP