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  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Scouting

Ad Astra Per Spera
“To The Stars Through Hope”

To explore, to discover, to learn, and to help those in need. Arkbird stretches into the infinite skies above.

“The wonder is, not that the field of stars is so vast, but that man has measured it.” – Anatole France


A Bird Takes Flight

Since Childhood, Donovan had one dream. To allow mankind, to discover new things and live amongst the stars. In peace and Harmony. At the beginning of 2953 at the age of 27, their journey began, Using a 400i they had refurbished from a scrapyard that was originally destroyed in a pirate boarding in 2951, they set off into the dark blue sky, to peruse the unknown, and find new discoveries. Breaking the atmosphere for the first time in their life and into space, He set a course for the moon Daymar from Microtech, as he heard of a large cave system he thought would be a wonderful place to start in mapping out the stars. Unfortunately, the success of his first flight however was short lived, as once the 400i exited quantum above Daymar’s Orbit and began to enter the atmosphere,, the cockpit alarm blared to life and light drowned the ship in a red light as the heat from atmospheric entry ripped the plating away from the ship as it plummeted into the skies of Daymar. Being a recon specialist for the Microtech Security forces he’d crash landed and escaped in plenty of Pisces when under fire from hostile forces, but nothing this large before. He braced for impact into the moon.

Watching from Whistler’s Crypt on a treasure hunt, a smuggler named Max watched as a ship entered the atmosphere and fell apart heading rapidly towards the surface. Being the honorable sort, if not a little bit curious, he ran back to his Mercury Star Runner, and fired up the engine and raced towards to what he assumed would be the crash site of this unknown ship. Approaching the site, he saw smoke, and assumed nobody had survived a crash from such a height, yet to his surprise upon arrival, next to a surprisingly well landed yet smoldering 400i, crouched a man, looking at a rock, in old looking armor and unarmed, writing down notes on his data pad. He waved friendlily, not assuming his Star Runner as a threat but as another starfarer traveling amongst the verse. Landing his craft he stepped out to greet the waving man.

Donovan, telling his story and idea to explore and map the stars while they took parts off the crashed 600i at Whistler’s Crypt to attempt to get the 400i in atmosphere again, had intrigued Max. And agreed to help under the condition that he be able to have a copy of the data and any salvage found to pay him, and fund the operation. Originally Max had been like Donovan, eager to explore the stars and help everybody they came across. But after a run in with pirates boarding the ship he had been working on to make money for his own ship, and killing all of his friends and crewmates, he became more sheltered to himself. Being left for dead until the UEE responded to the distress call 4 days later. Taking bounties and running cargo to make ends meet. Finally getting enough for the Star Runner he uses to do the same.

Donovan agreed to his deal, on the grounds that they follow first contact protocol. Don’t fire unless fired upon or if its a bounty criminal, Help anyone you come across, and map the stars and chart new discoveries. Max agreed.

Flying the 400i to Crusader to be repaired. Donovan paid the money necessary for the overhaul, and watched a screen show a video with birds. Thinking of the freedom of birds flying through the skies and his ship being his Ark that carried him to his safety. He could think of no better name to dub the Exploration Organization. Arkbird.

So why join Arkbird?

If your goal is to explore everything the universe has in store and to do it with others. This is the organization for you. We may be your main organization, or an affiliate. But you’re all flying under the Arkbird banner in the pursuit of knowledge over all. A better home for everyone amongst the stars.

Weekly Content

Donovan Ruckman is a content creator as a TikTok Star with 1.6 Million Followers and a Twitch streamer with 8k followers (@donovanruckman) so you can always expect there to be something going on during the week.


Our Mission, Is Simple

We have many core functions as to what we are

  • To Discover and Explore
  • To Protect and Secure
  • To Help Where Needed
  • To Chart and Run Data

This is a growing fleet of Explorers, Surveyors, Data Runners, Traders, and a well armed militia for self defense use.

The Pathfinders Personal Fleet Includes
  • The “Sovereign” a Javelin Destroyer that is currently serving a tour with the UEE and will be returned to our hands after its deployment ends.
  • The “Arkbird”, the flagship “tip of the spear” of the fleet, an RSI Polaris, used as a mobile base of operations under the command of the Pathfinder, Donovan Ruckman. Quick and Nimble, its never seen, until its too late. The Arkbird is currently undergoing retrofits to be more adept to the needs of the organization and shall return at the end of 2954.
  • The “Antares” an Idris-K Class Warship with the directive of securing systems the “Arkbird” Currently isn’t active in, it is currently in drydock for retrofitting.
  • The “Retribution” , a Hammerhead Gunship sent out for rapid response against pirate fighter swarms when aid is called upon. Armed with torpedoes and ballistic Gatlings, it is hoped it needn’t fire a single round.
  • The “Atlas” , An 890 Jump that focuses on search and rescue. Offering first class amenities and medical care to anyone in need.
  • The “Regalia” , a fast Perseus class Gunship, under the command of Captain Khaital, this warship is the first line of defense usually traveling alongside or nearby the Arkbird and can be sent off on operations similar to the Retribution’s purpouse of warding off pirates and providing quick aid and support. This ship is also currently undergoing retrofitting in drydock alongside the Arkbird.
  • The “Jamestown” , a Pioneer class Colony Vessel which sets up Arkbird’s research bases and settlements across the verse.
  • The “Odysseus” , a Carrack that handles the Faraway Exploratory Missions of Arkbird, the most important part of the Organization
  • The “Invictus” , A Nautilus class Minelayer vessel that lays defenses around critical areas that need defended from space-born threats
  • Resource Vessels such as the Reclaimer, Vulture, Hercules C2, The Arrastra, and the MOLE fund the larger vessels of the organization to explore further and further.
  • Multiple Fighter Craft, Bombers, and Dropships in pursuit of the self defense militia part of the Organization, Although in truth its hoped we never have to use it as we chart new stars, we know that the universe is a hostile place and we must protect the innocent.

This Group is focused on freedom amongst the stars and discovery, although this freedom is in line with the Laws established by the UEE.
Our main focus is plotting Jump Points, scanning for recourses and new locations, exploring everything from deep space, to caves on irradiated moons, to deadly asteroid fields posing a hazard to other explorers.


While we chart new Stars, we must stay the course of this initiative, and abide by certain tenets.

We Focus on Exploration

  • Our Core Purpose is to chart out new stars and make it a safer place for everyone by providing new discoveries and information to all the known universe. Space is the final frontier to explore and share with everyone. We must document everything and chart everything we find amongst the stars, in the pursuit of knowledge. This includes but isn’t limited to.
  • Plotting Jump Points, – Nobody can get to these places safely if we don’t chart them and catalog them.
  • Documenting Flora and Fuana – Whether is friendly or hostile, toxic or edible it must be cataloged.
  • Establish First Contact – There are many Alien Species amongst the universe, we take a first contact approach to everything, friendly until fired upon. But remember to stay vigilant, not everything is friendly.
  • Map Cave Systems, Moons, And Planets – We must make it a point to chart surfaces and planet locations to make them easier to navigate the universe.
  • Resource Locating – Charting Fuel, Salvage, Mineable Materials, Derelict Ships and any other hazards should be cataloged and data ran for resources and to keep hazards away from other people in the universe.
  • Helping Anyone in Need – Whether a Medical Beacon or a Distress call, if you’re nearby, you are expected and encouraged to help out your fellow citizens. You may be the only one nearby to make the difference in whether they live or die.

Keeping A Well Armed Self Defense Force

  • While Combat is not our first priority if we have to come to the aid of our other explorers, we are well armed with many capital ships, fighters and bombers.
  • If an outlaw is disrupting our operations or engaging in piracy harassing others, the fleet will act accordingly. Hopefully resolving the conflict peacefully before resorting to violence.
  • Everything we do is in accordance to UEE laws, we do not condone Piracy. But leave our traders to their own vices. If you make trouble for the UEE or other Organizations such as ITC, Rescue Squad One, or the Medrunners we cannot, and will not help you.

Commerce is attributed to keeping our ships fueled and funds for research

  • While our main goal is to explore trading commodities can help cut fuel costs. It is good to get into the habit of making small or large cargo runs in-between stations while exploring and always keep your cargo bay, if not taken up by a rover, full.