Bell ANZAC Shipyards / BELLANZAC

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Engineering
  • Trading

Patrolling the long dark reaches of boarder space is no easy task. It takes muscle, skill, reliability, hard earned experience and no small amount of firepower. Meet the ships that will get you there and get you home again…

Welcome to Bell ANZAC Shipyards.


Bell ANZAC, is the amalgamation of three major corporations from the planetary system of Austral

Austral Naval:
In 2912 William Bell left his position at Anvil Industries to pursue his dream of quality engine tuning kits for the everyday man. William started out simple, tuning engines from the back of a Freelancer track side during local and pan-galactic races like the Murray cup.

In 2913 after constructing his first prototype kit, it’s installation and subsequent successful use and much celebration during the in the 2914 Qualifying Cup race, William went on to create Bell Heavy Industries. In 2025 William, using his families strong historical ties to Old Earth shipping and armed forces won over the local military contract for the production of fuel systems and life preserving technologies such as escape pods, forming the new company Austral Navel.

Formed in 2028 by Lexxen Bell, Williams’s second son. To carry on the racing family tradition, building Engines, Modifications and eventually co-designing the S80 a prototype SaR vehicle.

Advanced Constructions:
A father and son initiative with a focus on rapid re-construction and building projects used the the wake of Vanduul or insurgent attacks

Founding of Bell ANZAC Shipyards:
Founded on Austral Prime in 2031 William moved the company construction facilities to New Austin and after seemingly endless negotiations with Aegis Dynamics the Alaris Multi role Fighter prototype was completed towards the end of 2034.

Following on this successful union Lexxen reached out to other shipyards in the hopes of inspiring something amazing, the Alexander AWD Destroyer came from this outreach with the aid of RSI.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.