Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!

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  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Exclusive
  • Piracy
  • Smuggling


Our motto that binds us, it’s what we lust for, the only thing that matters. Our history is rich, and we are richer. Many have tried to stop us and their blood paints our ships.


While Sinister Intentions Inc. has a rich history, little can be openly disclosed. What can be said is as follows:

  • 2789: After years of subversion and mistreatment of military assets by the UEE, peace is independently brokered with the Xi’an. As a result a small sect of the UEE fighting forces hoping for war, desert, forming Sinister Intentions Inc. a PMC acting independently.
  • 2789 – 2830: For the next 40 years, Sinister Intentions Inc. under the leadership of General Enroy Shepherd conducted piracy in Xi’an controlled territory destroying all stolen assets and killing Xi’an citizens. SSI also conducted routine piracy in UEE space to replenish supplies.
  • 2830 – 2858: Harbinger Enroy Shepherd dies in 2830, being replaced by Adjunct Li’aura Caligula. Having shown great prowess in piracy, and a few contract missions, Li’aura decides to take a more profitable approach, and starts calling for questionable contracts.
  • 2858 – 2899: Harbinger Li’aura Caligula dies due to wounds incurred during combat. Adjunct Greev Sitrix, takes over as Harbinger and continues the contract missions and piracy.
  • 2899 – 2941: The years of blood! During a raid on a Vanduul settlement, SII loses one of it’s three capital ships, SICS Gillroy. Aboard are 28 SII members including Harbinger Greev Sitrix. Adjunct Rayman Caligula takes over as Harbinger, and conducts a blood crusade against the Vanduuls. These years also become the most profitable, enabling the SII to purchase it’s first Javalin capital ship named Diomedes.
  • 2941: Harbinger Rayman Caligula age 97, retires to the SII settlement. Adjunct Cas Mania becomes Harbinger of SII ready to lead the group to newfound blood lust and riches.


Sinister Intentions Inc. historically is a pirate organization. However, after proving to formidable in combat, having the assets to complete very complicated tasks, and the willingness to do the most unspeakable things with the utmost secrecy; SII began taking security contracts.

SII Operates without moral or ethical dilemma, we strike anywhere at anyone, for the right price, or opportunity.

Due to our secretive nature, assets, training programs, and operating areas cannot be discussed.


First and foremost, once a Sinister always a Sinister. Due to the delicate nature of our work, our clients, and other activities, deserters will be treated with extreme prejudice.