Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!



  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Social

An Org for the everyday Hardworkin Joe, both in and out of game. No time commitments and full flexibility. We have some big ships for every profession so I see no need to focus on just one. Our Goal here is just to make the most UEC and have fun doing it. Whatever your Interests we’ve got the means.


Humble Beginnings
A relatively young org the Blucollars had very humble beginnings being formed March 15, 2923 as The Workers Pact (TWP) during widespread economic trouble throughout the galaxy and the famous Lastal standoff still fresh. Workers came together from all walks of life to form a union where they could deal and use trusted informants internally without the worry of “the big corps” taking a percentage. Over the years the pacts pockets grew deep in addition to “acquiring” a hefty fleet of ships which accompanied more attention as well as an influx of new affiliates not all of which were completely lawful. Due to the hands off nature of TWP and there not being an agreed set of rules to follow internal conflict was almost unavoidable.

The Great Divide
With the founders not being able to agree on whether to condone or condemn the growing internal criminal activity the pact was split and infighting quickly took hold. Though their views differed on many things all parties of this now fragmented pact wanted to avoid escalation, they agreed not to kill one another. Unfortunately with modern medical care they all weren’t as composed when it came to serious bodily harm and as a result they would often challenge each other to fights with archaic weapons to resolve business disputes until one resulted in the infamous massacre of Old ’38 and tensions grew thin. The pact now crippled and divided were like a stale powder keg and the big corps they kept out of their dealings were beginning to notice, it didn’t take long for the corps to infiltrate and use them as their personal ashtray. With the murder of Howard R. Toffman one of the pacts founders and biggest stake holder a power struggle began and they began killing each other over every last credit.

The War of Crimson & Credits
Blood was spilt far and wide from Horus to Yulin.
Lore Under Construction, for inclusion and/or advice contact Toffman


UEC is our business, let us drown in the credits together.

Tired of “BIG CORP” prices?
Join our tight knit self reliant community.
From ship loans, contracts, and discount org prices on everyday expenses.
Whatever the profession salvage, medical, mining, combat, or hauling no worries we’ve got the ships and the connections. No experience, no worries we’ll teach you and as you develop and learn these gameplay loops the easier it will be for us to hook you up with contracts.
-Let us all drown in the credits


  1. No Killing Of Fellow Blucollars, We do not kill our own.
  2. Less than legal activity “in-game” is permitted but not under the Blucollar alias
  3. Share in the work and you’ll share in the wealth