Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Brothers of Tyr / BROTY

  • Organization
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Infiltration

The Universe is what we make it. You reap what you sow. This, is the Brothers of Tyr motto. We are brothers, looking to find glory and combat in the vastness of space. Our brothers are our life, and our team. Have your brother’s back and he’ll have yours. Join us, or fight us, you decide.


Brothers of Tyr is an Organization that first started on EVE Online, with the purpose of becoming something more than just another organization in the universe. The main purpose is to give a militaristic and organised community of mature players looking to support one another, and do all they can, to see the cause move forward and succeed.

However, after some unfortunate circumstances, and some real life commitments, the organization was scrapped. Until now. As the new Brothers of Tyr organization returns and operates in Star Citizen, a new chapter will be forged, as we build a legacy into the stars!


Brothers of Tyr is a Militaristic Organization that seeks to become a force to be reckoned with while also claiming our corner of the universe to operate out of. We want mature players who aren’t just in this for themselves, but for a cause, a vision of the future. Brothers of Tyr is primarily a Combat Force, and as such all major operations will encompass that objective. Combat is in our blood, and Glory on our minds, so we seek those of similar want and wish. Now current mechanics allow for a number of ranks, which will be used to absolute efficiency.

Our goals are simple:

1) Work as a tight-knit Military Unit, including training and committing operations frequently
2) Be able to ensure all members coontent, and ability
3) Become a Military Force to be feared and recognized in the Universe
4) Claim a Planet, or System, from which to call home, to be more recognized, and to operate from free of potential threats

Requirements To Join:

- Must be at least 20 years of age (Exceptions may Vary upon request and review)
- Must have MMO, Flight Sim, and/or FPS experience (This can be any MMO, FS, or FPS)
- Must be ready to serve a role and not just leech off the group (We expect you to get involved)
- Must have a mature mindset (Trial Period will determine eligibility)


As a Brother, we expect some things from you, as we value you. To protect our organization from potential harm, and help organize us in a Militaristic fashion, a Command Structure and Code of Conduct are needed. They are as follows, until updated:

Brothers of Tyr Military Command Structure:


Code of Conduct:

During Combat Operations:

1 – When Combat Communications become active: a – All members must end non-combat specific conversations or comments b – Only Combat Specific information is to be transmitted c – Failure to comply will result in your death

2 – When in Combat, or during an Operation: a – No horseplay b – Listen to Commanders and Scouts, especially Commander Orders (PAY ATTENTION TO EVERYTHING BEING SAID!) c – Announce all combat specific information, and all information regarding your status. (Eg. If you need to go AFK, tell the Commander)

3 – When Not in Combat, and at all times: a – Respect your Brothers i – Do not demean them with negative comments or insults ii – Do not commit to racist, anti-religious, or anti-political comments or conversations (Don’t talk Religion, Politics, Economics, or anything else in an open forum, or in an offensive manner. b – Be active i – We want to see you get involved in whatever way you think you can ii – Don’t be shy, if you have a skill USE IT for the good of the Organization c – Do not Trash Talk (Just don’t talk at all with anyone other than BROTY) d – Do not conduct diplomatic conversations unless authorized to do so e – Be mature