Supply or Die

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Char Holdings / CHAR

  • Corporation
  • Hardcore
  • Exclusive
  • Transport
  • Smuggling

Char Holdings specializes in secure and discreet acquisition, logistics, and transportation to meet all your operational needs. While we have primarily focused on weapons and equipment.


Click here to join our Discord

Char Holdings: Expanded Lore


Char Holdings traces its roots back to Char, a former surveying station on Cole (Nul III) in the Nul system. Established in 2493 by Behesht Mines, the station was initially intended to support mining operations. However, by 2614, the costs of maintaining the facility outweighed the profits from mining, leading to its abandonment. During the mid-2600s, Char became a haven for those seeking to operate outside the bounds of legal oversight. Over time, it evolved into a bustling marketplace offering a wide range of goods, including many illegal items.
The unique environment of Char, marked by its lawlessness and opportunity, provided fertile ground for the formation of Char Holdings. The founders, seeing the potential in this unregulated space, adopted the name of the station as a tribute to its legacy of resilience and adaptability. Thus, Char Holdings was born, with a mission to leverage both legitimate and illegitimate means to achieve their goals.

The Rise of Char Holdings

In the early days, Char Holdings operated in the shadows, slowly building a network of allies and resources. The founders were strategic, taking lessons from the failures of Behesht Mines and ensuring their operations were both profitable and sustainable. They capitalized on the influx of traders, smugglers, and mercenaries, offering services that ranged from logistics support to clandestine operations.
By the early 2700s, Char Holdings had established itself as a formidable entity within the Nul system. The organization’s leaders implemented a strict code of conduct, ensuring loyalty and discipline among their ranks. This internal structure allowed Char Holdings to operate with military precision, further solidifying their reputation as a reliable yet formidable organization.



Rule 1 Griefing
- NO Griefing
- We are NOT Griefers nor do we want to Represent the ORG as Griefers.
- If you wish to be a Griefer, This Organization may not be right for you.

Rule 2 Personal information
- No Doxing
- (Do not share personal or identifiable information of anyone unless you are that person)
- (You may not search for, publish said information and any attempts to dox or threats to dox people will be taken as breaking rule 1
- Keep private messages private.
- Do not post or otherwise share messages in public spaces that are intended to be private or are sent in confidence
- Ask permission to share a DM such as an invitation or request, if granted you may

Rule 3 Solicitation/Spamming
- No spamming channels with messages
- No unsolicited promotion of anything unless approved by High council or above
- (this includes solicitation in DMs)
- (self promo of videos is allowed in SC Media)

Rule 4: Cheating
- No cheating in multiplayer games
- No supporting individuals in the creations of cheats
- (specifically with the purpose to gain advantages over other players in Star Citizen or other multiplayer competitive games)

Rule 5: Terms of service Adherence
- No post/Links of Elicit or NSFW material
- **All members must follow Discord TOS **
- All members must follow games TOS and EULA While playing with and outside of Char Holdings
- (Be familiar with Star Citizen and Roberts Space Industries TOS

Rule 6: Text Chat
- No text chats or arguments about politics, religion, world events, social issues
- (Save it for debate events or keep it respectful and be cognizant of others in your VC)
- (Celebratory posts about holidays are allowed but won’t be announced)

Rule 7: Be Mature
- Our Target is being above 18 years of age to join the organization
- We prefer if you are 21 years of age or older
- A path to joining will be granted to those under 18 who fit the culture
- Remove yourself from a situation if you are getting emotionally compromised
- Before sharing personal issues request if it’s okay
- (We all have lives outside of gaming, Do not open with life issues, trauma dump or expect people to be your therapist or life coach)

Rule 8: Negative behavior
- No discriminatory or malicious attacks against members in regards to race, Ethnicity, Religious Affiliations, Sex, Sexual orientation, Gender, personal Creed or Personal Culture
- That being said you must fit within the overall culture of the organization
- You also acknowledge that your ideas, beliefs and values are open to critique and you may not take offense easily to jokes or dark humor.
- Have a positive mindset
- Complaints without solutions, no motivation, draining attitudes, extreme sarcasm are not welcome here
- No Disruptive behavior
- Yelling at people, Making noise with the intent to not allow others to speak, personal insults toward members. You must be able to control your attitude and be mindful of others in channels when making requests
- Let others speak
- (No talking over everyone or talking so much you monopolize the channel operations or combat coms are a different story)

Rule 9 Microphone Policy
- Microphone Policy
-It is required that you have a microphone. Voice modifying software and hardware (Voice Changers) that modify your voice are prohibited.

Rule 10: Active Members
- We want our org to be full with active members. If you are inactive in discord for more then 90 days then you will be removed.
- It is our hope that you will rejoin our org when you become active again.
- An exception to this rule will be you would submit a Leave of Absence just stating you will be away for X amount of time, you don’t need to go into detail why you are away since we don’t need personal details.