Chem Dogs / CMDGS

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Freelancing

If you’re looking for a crew with no questions asked, you’re in the right cantina. We’ll do things most crews won’t, for some good cred of course. Just don’t come running ‘round the corner when that heist you hired us on turns into a full blown dogfight with the feds. We live for this kind of thing.


Long have the men and woman of space ventured off, into the deep abyss where many threats awaited and humanity unware of the dangers that wait. Long have we fought to have freedom, to seek out that part of the map that no one has seen. The first warriors to have fought against the Vanduul, and our forefathers before that during the great Tevarin War. The first scientist to have discovered hyperdrive and the warp gates, medicines to cure everything from disease to the common cold, and the first engineers to have made the very ships that make our lives so much better.

But what about the people who have been repeatedly walked over, blood that was spilt to make these discoveries only to fill the pockets of the rich while our fellow brothers and sisters fought hard and true only to spend the rest of their existence wondering, “was it worth it?”. This was not what we wanted.

After fighting in the Vanduul War in 2910, and retiring years after, we found many of ourselves with no place to go. Warriors with nothing that makes them what they are, so, the Chem Dogs were founded. We strike the rich and hunt down the scum of the verse, regardless of rank or stature. We hide our faces because we stand as one. A brotherhood of honor-bound warriors, we strike when we our least expected and hit hard like poison. Long have we fought together, many lost and many new friends made. No matter how much we grow though, our character is seen in the way we fly, we drink, and the way we fight. Last time our enemies made us out to be fools we raided their base and destroyed their ships. So if you end up in a skirmish in the outer rim….

Just pray you’re on the right side when we show up,

Victory in Aeternum


“When one chooses to walk the way of the Wolf, you are both hunter and prey. How can one be a coward if one chooses this way of life.”


These are the 6 tenants we will all follow:

Wearing armor.
Speaking the language.
Defending yourself and your family.
Raising your children as one of us.
Contributing to the clan’s welfare.
When called upon by the Mand’alor, rallying to his cause.

Our Rank Structure
Mand’alor (Warrior Eminence)
Al’verde (Admiral)
Ver’alor (Pilot)
Ruus’alor (Sergeant)
Alor’uus (Smuggler)
Verd’ika (Gunner)

There will only ever be 4 Al’verde, each leader of each military branch.

Crewmen/ Gunner

To join G-Loc cantina just apply right here…


The Canons Of Honor

Strength is life, for the strong have the right to rule.
Honor is life, for with no honor one may as well be dead.
Loyalty is life, for without one’s clan one has no purpose.
Death is life, one should die as they have lived.


Carrack x4
Banu Defender x2
Freelancer MIS
Mercury Star Runner
Gladius Pirate
Esperia Prowler x4
Anvil Valkyrie
Ares Inferno
Ares Ember
Banu Merchantman
Cutlass Black x4
Drake Corsair
Caterpillar x2
Titan x4
Cutlass Red x1
Vanguard Sentinel
Sabre Raven
Superhornet x4

Classified: P__a_is