Supply or Die

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Coalition of Lost Smugglers / COLS

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Smuggling
  • Freelancing

Citizen or Pirate, there are times when everyone needs cargo or personnel relocated quietly.
In transit, safety’s expected, but discretion is never a guarantee.

When you need it to arrive quickly & quietly, trust the CoLS to get the job done.


The CoLS was formally established in 2905 as a direct response to the increase in Vanduul attacks throughout the verse. Piracy and random UEE scans had always made transport between systems dicey. But now with the randomness of the Vanduul attacks escalating Citizen & Org alike found it increasingly necessary to discreetly move people and cargo from system to system.

Five years later in 2910 the Vanduul assault on Squadron 42 left most every Citizen in the UEE feeling like the only safe route to travel was the one less seen. The CoLS as been earning a reputation for dependability ever since.


Aim to misbehave.


CoLS members will not double cross a client, their crew or other member of the Coalition.
Unless said client, crew or CoLS member had it coming. Then, well…..

CoLS members must always have a plan and a backup plan…. at the very least 13% of a plan.
Seriously…. 12% is barely a concept.