Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!

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Crash Landing / CRSHLANDIN

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Social
  • Freelancing

Crash landing is an organized militia focused around decentralized command structures having the capability to operate together without the need for a strict military hierarchy. We are a welcoming and inclusive community which prioritizes member safety above all.


The Crash Landing Free Militia or “Crash Landing” was formed in the year 2952 as a Union of many smaller independent PMCs, outfits, and outlaw groups. Operating more like a guild for the congregation of independent groups, The Nyx based militia became well known in the system for its capability to field large operating forces without the need for a strict chain of command or corporate sector to control the org’s operations. Instead, Crash landing functions using an anarchic system based around collaboration by necessity & mutual benefit.

Due to a portion of Crash Landing’s operators being Outlaw groups, it is not trusted by the advocacy or the UEE but still finds itself frequently contracted by them due to the sheer versatility the many groups that make up Crash Landing offer. There is a PMC, outfit, or outlaw group within the militia to fulfill any task required of its customer, and the UEE knows it. Crash landing also sees a large portion of its funding from Military outfits being frequently contracted by the four mega corps of the Stanton system, Leading to Stanton becoming one of the two primary operation systems for the Militia, along with its home system of Nyx.


Crash landing is an organized militia focused around decentralized command structures having the capability to operate together without the need for a strict military hierarchy. We are a welcoming and inclusive community which prioritizes member safety above all.

Our stance on both gameplay and in-game morality is user focused. We cover a massive range of gameplay loops within the org and our members operate on whichever side of the law they choose.

We exclusively use discord for our in-game comms and casual communication. You will be sent an invite once you complete the application process.


1 – Respect your fellow orgmates
We are all here for a good time so keep it civil in the chats, try not to talk over people and if you feel like your getting heated, step away for a bit.

2 – In case of problem, find staff
Do not try and deal with problems that require disciplinary action on your own. Instead contact a Moderator or a Curator to help you solve this issue. you can do this by submitting a ticket in the moderation category.

3 – Bigotry is not welcome
This org has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY for Racism, Homophobia, Transphobia, sexism or general bigotry. We are a safe community and will protect our more vulnerable members with severity. There will be no warnings.

4 – The discipline system
We operate on a disciplinary warning system decided on a case by case situation. the severity of discipline is decided by a jury of moderators and curators to accurately asses the severity and make sure it is handled reasonably. If a first transgression is severe enough it could result in removal. Furthermore, Visitors of the server are given no quarter to transgression on the rules, and will be removed upon breach.

5- Remember your (lack of) rank
Crash landing doesn’t operate on a user hierarchy. Even if you are an Outfit Leader you DO NOT outrank other members of the server, all that gives you is control over the running of your own outfit. Users with the Moderator or even the Curator role have authority over policing rules violations but nothing surrounding your gameplay experience or “Outranking” you.

6- Keep Piracy Anonymous
Crash landing isn’t a pirate org, if anything we are closer to a true neutral collective than we are to being pirates. However, we host a wide range of players from all moral backgrounds and don’t prohibit our members from engaging in piracy. However, members are asked not to advertise the org’s name connected to pirate activities, but feel free to name drop your pirate crew!