Dark Alliance / DA4

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Piracy

The Dark Alliance is a feared pirate organization. We strike fear with their cunning tactics, loyalty, and code of honor. Masters of deception and guile, we plunder riches and leave shattered dreams in our wake.

Will you dare to challenge us or join our brotherhood?


The Dark Alliance is a notorious pirate organization that has carved its name in the deep reaches of space within the Star Citizen universe. Its history is steeped in mystery and darkness, shrouding the origins of the organization in legend and folklore.

The earliest accounts of the Dark Alliance date back to the late 29th century, a time when humanity had begun to expand into the vastness of the galaxy. It is believed that the organization was founded by a group of renegade outlaws, disillusioned with the oppressive rule of various governments and mega-corporations that controlled the known systems.

Operating from the shadows, the Dark Alliance quickly gained a reputation for its ruthless tactics and daring raids on merchant vessels, mining operations, and even military convoys. Their fleet consisted of modified and heavily armed spacecraft, adorned with menacing black hulls and dark crimson markings, striking fear into the hearts of their victims.

Over the years, the Dark Alliance expanded its influence, establishing secret bases and hideouts in remote corners of space. Their operations became more sophisticated, employing cutting-edge technology and tactics to evade law enforcement and rival pirate factions. The organization also developed a network of informants and spies, allowing them to gather valuable intelligence and exploit weaknesses in their targets’ defenses.

Despite being hunted relentlessly by law enforcement and bounty hunters, the Dark Alliance continued to thrive, always managing to stay one step ahead of their pursuers. They formed alliances of convenience with other pirate factions, engaging in joint operations to plunder and pillage with even greater efficiency.

The true extent of the Dark Alliance’s reach and the identities of its key members remained elusive, fueling rumors and speculation among those who dared to cross paths with them. Some whispered that The Shadow possessed supernatural abilities or was an enigmatic immortal, while others believed that The Shadow was merely a title passed down through generations.

However, the rise of vigilantism and the increasing efforts of lawful organizations to combat piracy have intensified the hunt for the Dark Alliance. As the galaxy plunges into a new era of conflict and power struggles, the Dark Alliance finds itself facing its greatest challenges yet, as rival factions and law enforcement agencies close in on their elusive targets.

Only time will tell if the Dark Alliance can weather this storm and continue their reign of terror in the darkest corners of space or if their legend will eventually fade into the annals of history, leaving behind tales of piracy and adventure for future generations to discover.


Manifesto of the Dark Alliance: Embracing Freedom and Chaos

Fellow Citizen,

We, the Dark Alliance, stand united as a force to be reckoned with in the vast and untamed universe. We are the embodiment of freedom, defying the shackles of the established order and embracing the thrill of the unknown. This manifesto outlines our shared values, principles, and objectives, guiding our actions as we sail the vast cosmic seas in pursuit of adventure, wealth, and glory.

1. Embrace Chaos: We reject the stifling conformity of the established systems and authorities. We thrive in the chaos and unpredictability of the universe. The Dark Alliance is not bound by the conventions of law and order but is driven by the audacity to challenge the status quo. Our actions may seem ruthless, but they are essential in our quest for freedom and self-determination.

2. Honor the Pirate’s Code: While we defy the traditional notions of morality, we acknowledge the importance of a code that binds us together as pirates. We shall treat our fellow pirates with respect and loyalty, fostering camaraderie and cooperation within our ranks. The Pirate’s Code sets the boundaries of acceptable conduct and ensures that our actions remain focused on our shared goals.

3. Seek Prosperity: We are opportunists in pursuit of fortune and wealth. Through our daring escapades and calculated risks, we shall amass resources and treasures that fuel our ambitions. The spoils we acquire will not only bring personal gains but shall also strengthen our organization, enabling us to explore new horizons and face greater challenges.

4. Challenge the Powerful: We stand against the forces that seek to control and manipulate the universe. Whether it be oppressive corporations or autocratic regimes, we shall be the thorns in their sides, disrupting their plans and exposing their corruption. We are the voice of the marginalized, the rebellious, and the disenfranchised. Our actions shall inspire others to rise against tyranny.

5. Explore the Unknown: The cosmos is our playground, filled with uncharted territories and hidden wonders. We embrace the spirit of exploration, venturing into the depths of space to uncover its secrets. We shall boldly go where no pirate has gone before, discovering new trade routes, unearthing valuable resources, and unraveling the mysteries that lie dormant in the abyss.

6. Forge Alliances: While we revel in our independence, we recognize the strength that lies in unity. We shall forge alliances with like-minded individuals and groups, fostering bonds of trust and cooperation. Together, we shall stand against common adversaries and share knowledge, resources, and support. Collaboration expands our reach and bolsters our influence.

7. Maintain Integrity: While we operate in the shadows, we shall maintain our integrity as pirates of honor. We will not resort to wanton destruction or mindless violence. We shall honor agreements and contracts, keeping our word to those who earn our trust. By staying true to our principles, we ensure that the Dark Alliance remains a force to be respected, even by our adversaries.

8. Adapt and Innovate: To survive and thrive in the ever-evolving universe, we must adapt and innovate. We embrace new technologies, tactics, and strategies, using them to gain an edge over our rivals. Flexibility and resourcefulness are our trademarks, enabling us to navigate through turbulent waters and emerge victorious against all odds.

Together, as members of the Dark Alliance, we embody the spirit of freedom, adventure, and chaos. We sail the starry seas with audacity, tenacity, and a relentless pursuit of our desires. Let the universe tremble in our wake as we carve our path, leaving an indelible mark on the cosmos.

Unfurl the black sails, raise the banner of the Dark Alliance, and let chaos prevail!


Charter of the Dark Alliance Pirate Organization

Article 1: Name and Purpose

1.1 Name: The organization shall be known as the Dark Alliance Pirate Organization, hereafter referred to as “Dark Alliance.”

1.2 Purpose: The purpose of Dark Alliance is to establish a formidable pirate organization within the Star Citizen universe, uniting like-minded individuals who seek adventure, riches, and the thrill of the high seas. Dark Alliance shall engage in strategic piracy, exploration, and the pursuit of wealth through both legal and illegal means.

Article 2: Membership

2.1 Recruitment: Dark Alliance shall welcome new members who demonstrate dedication, resourcefulness, and a thirst for adventure. Membership is open to individuals of all races, genders, and backgrounds who share the organization’s principles.

2.2 Conduct: Members must conduct themselves with honor, loyalty, and respect toward their fellow pirates. Any act of treachery, theft, or betrayal shall be met with swift and severe consequences.

2.3 Leadership: Dark Alliance shall be led by a Council of Captains. The Council shall consist of experienced and respected pirates who have proven their worth through their actions and dedication to the organization.

Article 3: Code of Conduct

3.1 Loyalty: Members of Dark Alliance shall prioritize the organization’s interests above personal gain. Betrayal or disloyalty toward the organization and its members will not be tolerated.

3.2 Honor among Pirates: Dark Alliance members shall conduct themselves with integrity, respecting the rules and traditions of piracy. Captains are expected to be fair, honorable, and just in their dealings with both allies and enemies.

3.3 Cooperation: Collaboration among members is essential for the success of Dark Alliance. Members shall work together, sharing knowledge, resources, and strategies to accomplish collective goals.

3.4 Respect for Non-Members: While Dark Alliance is a pirate organization, members must exercise caution and respect when interacting with non-members. Unnecessary violence and cruelty towards innocent civilians will not be tolerated.

Article 4: Activities

4.1 Piracy: Dark Alliance members shall engage in targeted piracy operations, attacking and plundering lawful ships within the bounds of the Star Citizen universe. The organization shall focus on acquiring valuable resources, credits, and technology to fuel its growth and support its members.

4.2 Exploration: Dark Alliance encourages its members to explore uncharted systems, seeking hidden treasures, rare artifacts, and valuable information. Exploratory endeavors shall expand the organization’s knowledge and wealth.

4.3 Protection: Dark Alliance reserves the right to protect its territories, assets, and members from rival pirate organizations, law enforcement, and other hostile forces. Defense and retaliation may be necessary to safeguard the interests of the Dark Alliance.

Article 5: Governance

5.1 Council of Captains: The Council of Captains shall govern the Dark Alliance, making decisions on matters of importance and establishing the organization’s strategic direction. Captains shall be elected by the membership and hold their positions for a set term.

5.2 Voting and Decision-Making: Major decisions, including changes to the charter, alliance formations, or major operations, shall be decided through a majority vote among the Council of Captains.

5.3 Disputes and Mediation: In the event of disputes among members, the Council of Captains shall act as mediators, seeking resolutions that preserve harmony and unity within the organization.

Article 6: Dissolution

6.1 Dissolution: The Dark Alliance may be dissolved through a majority vote of the Council of Captains if it is deemed necessary for the organization’s future or due to extraordinary circumstances. In such cases, the remaining assets and resources shall be divided among the members as fairly as possible.

6.2 Legacy: The legacy of the Dark Alliance shall be remembered as a legendarypirate organization that fearlessly sailed the vast expanses of the Star Citizen universe, leaving behind tales of audacity, camaraderie, and boundless adventure.

This Charter of the Dark Alliance Pirate Organization is hereby established as the guiding principles and foundation upon which our organization shall thrive. All members of the Dark Alliance shall abide by this charter and work towards the common goals of wealth, excitement, and the pursuit of a pirate’s life.


Leader of The Dark Alliance