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Delta Blue Aerospace - E.E.D / DBAERO

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Engineering
  • Resources

Delta Blue Aerospace is one of Stanton’s leaders in full- service fleet support & logistics strategy contractors.

DBA is recruiting for the following positions:

Cargo Pilots
Flight Medics
Security Personnel
Salvage & Repair Operators
Support Specialists (refuel/resupply)


Welcome to Delta Blue Aerospace- Engineering. Exploration + Development®

Main Office: MT Plaza, Euterpe Suite Office 06, Microtech
Contact Us: Spectrum – Delta Blue Aerospace E.E.D®

FOR RECRUITMENT INFORMATION: ***Apply here now*** or Please contact either of the following DBA Members via friend request or direct message at the address above:

Mac Deacon / CheckedLeek1
Working within the largest public and private sectors in the Stanton system, Delta Blue Aerospace is here to offer the highest quality industrial and commercial fleet maintenance, repair and overhaul solutions. Delta Blue has secured ten earth-year contracts with some of the biggest manufacturers and suppliers in the verse including Shubin Interstellar, Hammer Propulsion, Greycat Industrial, STOR*ALL, Nav-E7 Gadgets, Cry-Astro and Voyager Direct.

We are backed by a well connected network of logistical distribution hubs, repair facilities and processing stations throughout Stanton. We use these facilities along with the most sophisticated tooling options and technology and the best enterprise data streams across every major market to present optimized logistical strategies, intelligent service selection and a proper supply chain network, while operating a robust fleet of maintenance, support and exploration spacecraft outfitted with top-of-the-line scanning, propulsion and mechanical equipment on the market.

With early reaches into space exploration and technological research, DBA’s Research and Development division is poised to emerge as a transformative force in the aerospace industry. With a dedicated team of trailblazers, they explore the uncharted territories, envisioning and crafting technologies that will redefine the landscape of aerospace engineering.

All this cannot be done without high regard for the safety and security of our crew, fleet and inventory which is why we have developed a top-notch security plan that uses all the best tech to make sure our operations go as planned. DBA is a full self-sufficient operation and all DBA pilots and crew have received the highest level of training available and stay dedicated to bringing you the fastest service in Stanton

Available Services:

  • -On-site Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul
  • -Refuel, Re-arm and Resupply
  • -Power Generation & Distribution Specialists
  • -Vehicle Search & Recovery
  • -Tug & Tow
  • -Removal & Salvage
  • -Mobile Refining
  • -Bulk Freight Transportation
  • -Cargo / Vehicle Transportation
  • -Logistics Consulting
  • -Supply Chain Management


Originally started as DEACON Teknik in 2933 by one of DBA’s founding members Mackaroy Deacon, an engineer from the boroughs of Area18. DEACON Teknik came to light when Mac found himself at a stalemate after being honorably discharged from UEE Navy where he served as a Systems Engineer. Falling back on his roots of tinkering and rebuilding power systems, Mac started the one-man spacecraft repair service with just an old Freelancer, a couple crates full of tools and a whole lot of knowledge. Focused on honing his business sense, Mac kept to fixing smaller personal spacecraft and land vehicles for the first few years and developed quite the knack for dealing with customers.

The “Golden Ticket” – 2936

The big break came one night while out on the plaza when he bumped into a man that happened to be a fleet operations manager for Argo Astronautics. As conversation proceeded Mac was informed Argo was looking to outsource a new maintenance service contractor for a fleet of MPUV-1C Cargo Transport ships they operate throughout the main production facility. Not long after a few smooth glasses of Radegast whiskey and more business talk. Mac and DEACON Teknik found themselves to be one of Argo Astronautics newest outside service contractors. Let the boom begin!!.

With a considerable up-front payment by Argo, Mac was able to put to rest his old Freelancer and outfit himself with a brand new Aegis Vulcan, stocked full with the top of the line repair equipment and all the auxiliary tools he needed to fulfill the 5 year contract with Argo. This was the biggest opportunity Mac and the company had ever seen and the future wasn’t certain, but he was confident in his skills and wanted to prove to himself he could do it.

Fast forward 5 years, its 2941. Production operations are at an all time high for Argo, aUEC has been flowing in like a river for years and life for the company is good, but with the end of the contract with Argo nearing Mac knew that he needed something going forward. He made the decision to once again to go freelance and this time he was going big. Take the extensive relationship portfolio he developed over the last five years being in the industrial sector and build a fleet of his own. But to build a fleet he needed a steady source of aUEC and securement of a defense turret replacement contract from Cry-Astro for 4 re-fueling stations throughout Stanton should provide it.

Flashfire Systems Fail – 2942

With hefty portion of his Argo contract profits, Mac started acquiring some very specialized spacecraft tailored strongly towards the industrial resource sector. His first purchase was from the New Deal ship broker in Lorville, Hurston where he purchase 3 rugged spacecrafts. An Argo R.A.F.T specialized cargo transport, an Anvil Terrapin pathfinder and a Drake Vulture, a medium industrial salvage craft.

The R.A.F.T was certain to be a game changer for cargo transport efficiency going into the Cry-Astro contract. Mac then signed a deal with his third major client STOR*ALL, a shipping container manufacturer. With inventory volumes starting to increase, procuring a better way of shipping material was a must. Though DEACON Teknik didn’t have a large enough crew to fully take on the new contract, Mac figured he could hire some rock jumpers for quick pay.

The contract called for the replacement of 200 gimbal mounted laser turrets, 50 per station, Contractors discretion in regards to which laser cannons get ordered. Not surprised, typical Cry-Astro Corporate nature. That being said, Mac took the majority of what he had left in the bank after the big ship purchase and invested it into 400 BX-112 laser cannons from a smaller weapons manufacturer Flashfire Systems that was projected to be on a rise with their latest line of products.

The BX-112 was supposed to be the next hottest thing in the line of orbital station defense . So with full procurement of the items Mac went to work. 6-Months in and crews have just completed one station, job is going well and everyone is happy. That was until one day we catch a media post come across the Mobi-Glass claiming that the new BX-112 lasers have faulty re-charge capacitors and its becoming a “common failure”. Just when that eerie feeling hit his gut Mac got a comms message from Cry-Astro. They’re saying they no longer want the BX-112 laser cannons installed on their facilities and because the contract stated it was contractors discretion on the products ordered, DEACON Teknik will have to eat the cost of the remaining gimbal laser units. With only one station complete and a bunch of junk lasers the market wont bat an eye at. Mac is out on almost his whole investment. This is not a good day for Mac or DEACON Teknik.

A Promising Future

After over a year of negotiations Cry-Astro agreed to cover 10% of the cost of the remaining units to try and maintain a healthy business relationship. Although very gratuitous its didn’t help much. Its now going into 2944 and with a warehouse of unsellable weaponry and aUEC running thin, Mac finds himself wandering around Orison trying to figure out how to keep his company a float. Just when ideas start to look thin, just like seven years ago Mac catches another shot at good luck.

While on a lunch break he runs into a long time friend from back in his navy days, _Dr. Sevil Warditch M.S.B.E. Sevil was a biomedical engineer back in the navy and when he got out went on to get his Master’ s of Science at the University of Mentor. He says he has some potentially ground breaking research data on some new type of S-Type asteroid that could be a huge discovery and never mind the aUEC they could make. He said if he can get into a lab that he could process the data, but doesn’t have any way of finding this rock. Luckily Mac knows his fleet hosts a variety of scanning technology and offers it up in return for a cut of any aUEC they get for it.

Both come to an agreement and decide to talk more about the idea of a partnership. Weeks of discussion and the two decide its best to bring in their own security detail, someone they can trust. You never know what these pirate groups out there have hidden up their sleeves and if they wanted to make sure this data stayed safe hiring outside contractors was out of the question. After some thought they figured who better than their old friend Vernon “Crispy” Ziegler, their crazy jarhead buddy, also from their days on active duty. One of the best combat operators to serve. As luck would have it, Crispy just happened to be floating in between contracts and figured what the hell, sounds like an adventure.

With extensive knowledge in their respective fields combined with the amalgamation of mechanical and technological equipment and this new geological data, the three men were seeing a promising journey in this new idea. After months of discussions, planning, strategizing and cataloguing the final merger of assets was complete to what will now be known as Delta Blue Aerospace- Engineering, Exploration + Development®.

A New Beginning – 2944

- The first DBA Executive Board Meeting was held on – 12-31-2944 –

Q3-2944 – With a new source of capital, DBA is able to maintain a general maintenance contract with Cry-Astro and starts purchasing more shipping containers from STOR*ALL.

Q2-2945DBA signs up to ten Earth -Year contracts with two more big suppliers in the industry. First was a ten Earth – Year contract with Nav-E7 Gadgets – A spacecraft components manufacturer that will supply scanner and radar systems, replacement docking collars and passenger seats and; secondly a seven Earth – Year contract with Greycat Industrial – A manufacturing company that produces commercial and industrial good, mining equipment and utility vehicles. With the winning of this contract DBA has been awarded its biggest logistics job to-date and also locked down a new source of industrial mining replacement parts and supplies.

Q1-2946DBA signs a deal with its first weapons manufacturer, Preacher Armament. A manufacturer of personal and vehicle-mounted weapons with a specialty in professional-grade manufacturing most widely used by working security. They are best known for their lines of scatterguns such as the Salvation, Absolution, and Condemnation. Preacher also produces the popular Inquisition XXII ballistic gatling gun.

Q4-2946 – With Delta Blue Aerospace becoming a regular name around the industry they take another step further into the commercial sector signing a lucrative ten Earth – Year supply distribution contract with Voyager Direct. A massive general goods distributer that offers its customers a popular Spectrum -based shopping service where they can remotely order various products. They also have storefronts throughout the UEE.

2950 – With Mac developing a passionate interest for racing over the past couple years. He convinces the other DBA Board members to invest in a new venture. The idea of starting a race team, thus Delta Dyadas Racing ™ was born. With the famous Daymar Rally still in the wake and the new Stanton 7 circuit scheduled to make its debut next season. It was time to dive in head first and get to work to see if his skills were any good.



Welcome to Delta Blue Aerospace- E.E.D®

We are looking for citizens with a like-minded outlook on the game and where it stands right now, but also see the future it holds. Currently DBA’s in game activities mainly focus around the gameplay loops we currently have available to us, but being given the creative platform we have been given we are also building something that we can take into the future without changing to much of who we are at the core.

At DBA we are focused on building a community that is not only fun to be a part of ,but works effectively and productively to maximize profits, knowledge and enjoyment for everyone. Roleplay is very welcomed and often encouraged here but we do keep a clear view of the need for personal freedoms and non-rp opportunity. If this sounds like an organization for you we would love to have you aboard!.

What is DBA’s main goal?

We strive to provide the best industrial and commercial maintenance and logistical supply services in Stanton and beyond. If you’re a support operator looking to jump on a Starfarer or Vulcan for a round of repair / re-fuel contracts, a cargo pilot fixing to sling a few loads across the system, a mining or salvage operator that’s searching for some big money in derelict ship salvage or quantanium extraction or a security operator looking for something different. We’ve got just the spot for you.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.
