Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!

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Darklight Squadron / DLTS

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

Organization Mission

Securing Our Future from Galaxy to Galaxy
Join Our Discord Channel


We are a gaming organization primarily in South Africa, but all are welcome to join. We will cover a variety of in game categories in Star Citizen to cater for our members. We believe in creating a growing environment, that will allow for a great gameplay experience, but also tap into to the rich and multifunctional mechanics that both the ships and verse will offer. DLTS was created for the purpose of bringing like-minded gamers under one umbrella. We are creating a group world like no other, where no one takes on the beyond alone. We have dedicated members to support you on your journey to gaming greatness. Lets take on the beyond together JOIN US!



Ranking Order:
1. (ADMIRAL ): Overall in charge of organization and decision making with other Admirals.
2. ( CAPTAIN ): Ship control and recruitment, oversees departments in org, reports to Admirals
3. ( LIEUTENANT ): Supports and reports to Captain and works in day to day functions.
4. (OFFICER): New members in training and assist lieutenants in daily functions
5. (CADET): New joiners on probation

Current Goals:
1. Above all, HAVE FUN.
2. Build up Membership, who will have their own ships, making our organization’s fleet even bigger.
3. Promotions will be given to members by Admirals when demonstrating both loyalty and skills needed for respective position or department, this is how we will help members grow and achieve their individual goals
4. Align with an organization that’s more focused on war, and strike up a partnership, where we can mutually benefit one another.
5. As the game moves from alpha to game final release, start our planning and adapt our strategy accordingly.
6. Players are going to need to eat, sleep, and refuel, where we can, we will pull together resources to achieve this or align ourselves with organizations for the same purpose.

*Please Note: The above goals and ships could change as the game mechanics become clearer.



Organization Rules:
DLTS believes that every organization needs basic rules, these rules help govern members towards the goals of the organization and provides a comfortable environment for everyone. It’s therefore important to read the following rules before joining our organization. These rules are subject to change as the game moves forward and are intended to create a great game play experience.

1. Respect each other fully, we want our org to be welcoming, especially to new members, therefore it’s up to every individual member to ensure that they are helpful towards one another.
2. Disruptive behavior resulting in member complaints will be dealt with on a case by case basis, and could result in a member being band from organization.
3. Primary Ranking Order outlined in our manifesto page to be respected at all times. These ranks are given to members to govern certain areas of the organization by Admirals. Failure to do so could result in being banned from the organization.
4. We understand that you all have real lives to deal with, and ask each member to respect this fact, and to support each other where possible, as a team we will always step in where needed.
5. When members have volunteered to be a part of an operation, please make sure that you complete the task and if you are not able to attend due to unforeseen circumstances that you inform leadership in advance.
